Hysteria navigating terrorists ruining the manufacturing dynamics


In the history of mankind, conflict had been remaining inevitable for ones inflating ego and might evolved to groups and organizations to outweigh self-interest over objective realities The politics of resentment and identity persuaded Ethiopia to pass through temptation as the country hardly had experienced nation building though the state formation had been well accomplished.

Never escape from the truth, like nations on the planet there might be queries among elements their interest is marginalized and ignored. Ethiopia, land of heterogeneity, independent for eras and later revealed to be the symbol of African independence after the fascist Italy hauled down its flag had become center of attention for the humiliated white raciest.

The TPLF terrorist group had been instrumental to execute the rapacious interest of them and their oversea overlords dividing the country based on ethno lingual identity only for political legitimacy to roll the ball based on their respective interest.

After the group forced to resign power and stationed in the north most Ethiopia, TPLF continued its long incepted agenda of abolishment of Ethiopia which ranges murdering both human and animals and now mass destruction of properties.

A year has passed since it committed treasonous attack upon the northern command of Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF). As a result the federal government launched law enforcement mission and rehabilitating the public though stab in the back. The ENDF left the Tigray State following the issuance of humanitarian unilateral ceasefire initiated by the federal government.

Meanwhile, such a stubborn terrorist and some western powers that have the interest of interference in the internal affairs of Horn Africa waged formidable struggle to see the last breath of Ethiopia. Upon their insurgence to the neighboring Amhara which is registered as ultimate enemy, they didn’t only kill civilians, there, the values of humanity reduced to massacre cattle, destroying crops and the rules of humanity dropped to rapping children and humiliating elders.

The recent targets of TPLF on their insurgence to the neighboring Amhara and Afar regions turned to looting and destructing all public and private firms. Upon their short stay and an epic retreat, the terrorist group has ruined everything it could. Having waged a full-scale war on what it considers historical enemies the group die tried to destroy the country and has wreaked havoc on the manufacturing industry.

In addition to the genocide perpetrated by the group in the occupied territories of Afar and Amhara regions, the terrorist group also wreaked havoc on large economic structures. In particular, it has robbed the manufacturing industry, which is the backbone of the economy.

It is also reported that hysteria has made the group to show that the group has reached sore board of hate by destroying and burning what is hard to transport. In this regard, the Ministry of Industry has recently released the finding of a study conducted on the destruction of industries in Dessie and Kombolcha by the Tigray terrorist group.

Minister of Industry Melaku Alebel said in a recent press release based on the results of the study: The study was conducted with two main objectives: The first is to inform the international community and the Ethiopian people of the damage it is doing to industries, along with the war they are waging.

What is the condition of the other affected industries? What support do they need? In order to get them to work, they need the support of the federal and state governments. Thus, one of the distinguishing harms of the first round of damage to industries was the psychological damage to investors and workers.

Investors who have gone out of their way to make a fortune, set up factories, and hire laborers for years have been devastated by the unspeakable extent and looting of their wealth.

In a single day, properties demanding ages to be rebuilt have been damaged. Workers in the industries are also suffering from anxiety and depression as a result of the collapse of the industries where they work and earn a living.

As a result, large numbers of workers and investors mourn the loss of the factory which is the basis of their livelihood and their own property. “The enemy has inflicted a heavy toll on Ethiopia,” he said. The invading Tigrayan forces looted as many industries as they could in Dessie and Kombolcha. Besides, such a lunatic group used industries as a camp and a graveyard. Findings have shown that they dug fortifications around the factories and used them as a fortress.

According to the study, the looted assets from the industries were transported to the Tigray region in trucks with UN plates, flags and posters. The robbery was carried out with the support of highly skilled and experienced professionals; these technicians work day in and day out to uninstall and takeaway factory machinery and essential equipment to Tigray.

During the night, it was reported that the goods had been loaded. The gang destroyed 40 industries in Dessie and Kombolcha. Eight of these industries have suffered the most damage.

Although these factories have produced water pipe fittings, prefabricated houses, food and beverage products, they have been of great strategic importance to local development.

The production machines or parts are completely disassembled and cannot be returned to work in a short period of time. The industries created more than 1,100 jobs. These citizens are now unemployed. The other eight, on the other hand, were moderately injured and partially damaged on their production equipment. And 24 are the least damaged industries. So, depending on the severity of the damage, some of them may need to be repaired. He said efforts are being made to operate some factories with the support of the ministry’s experts.

He said the metal engineering, chemical and construction, textile and apparel, agro-processing and leather products industries were among the affected sectors. Overall more than 11,000 workers in the industries have been laid off by the terrorist group and have lost their jobs. This devastation is a tragedy that history will never forgive.

Manufacturing industries are one of the areas in which the enemy has worked extensively to destabilize and destroy the country, to persecute and impoverish its citizens, and to carry out widespread social, political, economic, and military aggression. It takes a long time to get the damaged factories back to work, but talks were held with stakeholders and city administration investors to get the small and medium-sized industries back to work in a short period of time.

Support and follow-up work is underway to bring in potential employers, especially those with limited support. According to the study, the affected industries are in need of professional support and the Ministry’s experts are working in collaboration with the regional government to identify the extent and type of damage and provide the necessary support as soon as possible.

Efforts have also been made to meet the needs of the public service providers (Telecom, Bank, Electricity, Water Development, Customs, Revenue, Dry Port, etc.). State governments are also carrying out their mandate to ensure peace and security, complete infrastructure at the regional level, mobilize dispersed workers and enable them to return to work, and perform other related tasks as mandated by state governments.

Therefore, regional governments need to strengthen their support and monitoring to ensure that the industries are operational. He said the task of protecting and safeguarding the assets of the government and investors should not be left to the security apparatus and the government, but also to the public.

In addition to being organized, the community must be vigilant to prevent hackers from harming the industry. The security forces should also be able to play their part in securing the investment by giving priority to their hierarchy.

This will increase the investor’s confidence and create more jobs for the citizens by expanding the investment. It also increases their culture and interest in working with the community.

In addition, the competitiveness and production capacity of factories can only be increased by creating greater market opportunities in their country or region. Therefore, if the community makes use of the most of the local products and prioritizes the local produce, industries will have ample market opportunities.

Industries will increase their consumption of raw materials with greater market opportunities. If their consumption of raw materials increases, the farmers will benefit by supplying their products to the industries.

This will enable the country to increase its revenue and foreign exchange capacity by exporting its products to domestic and foreign markets. This will increase the industry’s share of the country’s economy.

With this in mind, he urged the public to give priority to domestic production. The terrorist group destroyed infrastructure, service facilities (schools, health facilities, etc.), industries, and personal resources in the occupied territories.

“We do not have to import the resources needed to repair, rebuild, and convert these damaged infrastructure. Therefore, most of the inputs used to rebuild infrastructure must be locally produced. Therefore, small and medium enterprises should be able to play their part in producing products that will be used as input for the redevelopment process. Therefore, micro and small enterprises need to be prepared to produce these products. They need to identify the inputs needed in advance and provide the necessary product,” he stressed.

The Ethiopian Herald December 26/2021

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