Vermicompost needs much focus

Agriculture is the mainstay of the economy and majority of the society is engaged in the sector. It takes the lion share in the national economy. Using Agriculture as a springboard the nation has mobilized all its resource for the success of its industrial sector.

Seeing its multidimensional role for the notional economy the government is exerting its energy on agriculture. As part of this strategy, modernizing the sector has became the major focusing area of the government.

The experience of the country has witnessed that there is no any sector other than agriculture that has a potential to carry national economy. What is more there is no any sector that agriculture does not touch. That is why it is called the backbone of the nation.

Whenever the issue of agriculture discussed, food security is always there. In a country like Ethiopia where drought is recurrent, agricultural sector has lion’s share in combating food related challenges.

 The issue of food security is a national agenda. Whenever there is food security in the nation there is a strong and healthy working force. Whenever there is healthy and strong working power the economy of the nation will function properly. In this regard, the role of modern technology and applying fertilizes for farming land is not an option.

Most researchers believe that supporting the sector through modern technology including fertilizers has a key role in transforming national economy and increasing productivity. In this regard, it is worth to mention the role of vermicompost.

Sources indicated that Vermi compost is the end product of a process called vermicomposting, which uses earthworms to increase the speed of the composting process and ensure higher-quality compost.

The use of virmicompost as a fertilizer has long history in the world but not in Ethiopia. Ethiopia has started to use it very recently. Several reasons are given why Ethiopia did not used Vermicompost as early as other nations. One of the reasons is that, little attention is given by researchers. Weakness to identify worms that are used to produce vermicomost is the other challenge. According to sources, little attention has been given to it and the number of experts and institutions engaged in the area is too small.

Sources indicated that Vermic ompost is essentially what ends up being applied to plants in the garden. Ultimately, vermicomposting results in rich, black, earthy-smelling compost that will help your garden enjoy healthy growth. In addition to vermicompost there is vermicast, which is slightly different. Vermicast, also known as worm castings, is the excrement from the worms, minus the rest of the compost.

Composting has long been a vital tool for home gardeners, whether growing in a traditional in-ground bed or in a hydroponics system. However, not all compost is created equal. The process of composting can be quite lengthy, and it can result in variable nutrient levels.

Vermicompost, created through a process called vermicomposting, is faster, ensures higher nutrient levels, and offers additional benefits.

Vermicomposting is nothing more than conventional composting, but using earthworms in the process. In most cases, “red wrigglers” are the worms of choice, but virtually any type of earthworm will do.

The vermicomposting process is actually very simple. As the compost breaks down naturally, earthworms penetrate the pile and consume it further. Their tunnels help to aerate the compost mound, and their castings can dramatically increase the nutrient content of the resulting content.

Worms can be added to virtually any type of composting structure. On-ground structures can often attract worms on their own, or you can add them yourself by purchasing them and simply placing them in the compost. However, in an open system, there is the chance that worms will tunnel away from the compost.

Well,researches are witnessing the role and benefits of Vermicompost . In a country like Ethiopia where agriculture is the mainstay of the economy applying such kind of system has a potential to increase productivity. As it was mentioned, the number of institution and individuals in the area is too small. In this respect, seeing its role to the agricultural sector investing on Vermicomposing needs a total attention of the government and stakeholders.

What is more, the role of Vermi composing in creating job opportunity needs closer attention. In recent interview with The Ethiopian Herald, Oromia State Agriculture and Natural Resource Bureau, Land Fertilization Process Director, Elias Kedir, Vermiculture has a potential to create job opportunity for youth.

Findings have witnessed that Vermiculture is becoming profitable for both farmers and youth in the region. This method is simple, effective and convenient. According to him, the method saves water, energy, landfills, and helps rebuild the soil. The worms ability to convert organic waste into nutrient-rich material reduces the need for synthetic fertilizers.

The Ethiopian Herald April 14/2019


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