Ethiopia, America have signed a new five-year Feed the Future declaration to improve agriculture and other multi sectors

Ethiopia and America has signed declaration of a partnership for the U.S government’s new five year Feed the Future strategy to invest in food security, build resilience, and accelerate economic growth opportunities here in Ethiopia in support of the prime minister’s New Horizon of Hope agenda.

Feed the Future declaration has been signed between Oumer Hussien on behalf of Ethiopia and Bonnie Glick of America USAID deputy administrator here in Addis, on last Friday, for improving agriculture and other multi sectors for the next five-years.

According to Oumer Hussien, the objective of this agreement is to renew that past partnership and to identify different sectorial works to be beneficiary for the next five years.

As to Oumer, the agreement enables to fulfill necessary logistics in health, trade, and other sectors; and in case of agriculture to increase product and productivity based on utilizing irrigation systems.

This agreement is different from the previous ones because it is targeted to support the new horizon as a frame work for promoting private sectors via development, Oumer said.

Oumer also stated that the amount of money that America will support for Ethiopia will be depending on the capital from the coming different partners.

Oumer told to this reporter this memorandum of understanding is not only targeted improving our agriculture rather it touches the overall partnership between the two-sisterly countries i.e Ethiopia and America.

On the other hand, Bonnie Glick of America said during MOU signing ceremony,” over the next five years, feed the future will build on the past successes in Ethiopia forging new partnerships and greater collaboration among government, donors, and business to provide economic growth opportunities and improve health, nutrition, and resilience for millions of Ethiopians”.

Glick added that Feed the future will also promote increased engagement with the private sector to introduce new and innovative solutions to the challenges Ethiopia faces while opening new commercial opportunities.

By coming combining our abilities, the public and private sectors of the United States and Ethiopia can help achieve the new horizon of hope goals of creating domestic business and jobs while increasing export revenues, as to USAID deputy administrator. “We will work across ministries to improve the nutritional status of children and young. Together we can strengthen public services delivery at the local level; most importantly, we can strengthen the resilience of communities and families to all kinds of shocks” said Glick.

The new multi sector Feed the Future strategy also aligns with the Ethiopian government’s national level development strategies and contributes to Ethiopia’s vision of becoming a prosperous, middle-income country by 2025. Ethiopia is one of the only 12 partner countries worldwide chosen to participate in this new phase of the Feed the Future initiative.

The United States has invested approximately 4 billion USD in development and humanitarian assistance in Ethiopia over the past five years to help people across the country lead healthier and more prosperous lives.

The Ethiopian Herald April 14 2019


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