Re-engineering Addis via professional association

ADDIS ABABA – Cities and towns in developing world are changing rapidly. However, their re-engineering often lacks a clear vision of how to re-invent and transform them into smart and ecologically friendly areas where people live peacefully and business run smoothly.

As to the former Director of Baltimore City Construction and Building Inspection and currently, Board Member of D.C Society of Professional Engineers, Girma Allaro, most of cities in developing world were founded in times where there was no proper infrastructure, building code of regulations, site plans, architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical plans. This has brought several undesirable and unmanageable cities where living conditions and public health suffer, added Girma.

According to the engineer, Addis Ababa is under this critical problem. “We can alter these challenges through managerial revolution and establishing Professional Engineers Association”.

As to him, if proper attention is given and Association is founded it is possible to make Addis a city of hope and paradise within a short period of time.

He said, there is improper settlement where people are forced to settle around industrial zones which is a serious threat to health.

According to Girma, improper highway structure and land utilization are also some of the problems he identified in developing countries including Ethiopia.

“If there is an initiative from professionals and the government, Addis will truly be a beautiful city that attracts the world and it would offer job opportunities for millions,” Girma said.

For Girma, money cannot be a solution. It is professional effort and commitment that change the image of the city.

“What we need is association, not money. With association, we can make money to build the city from. Let us discuss and debate then let’s build new city which fits the 21st century,” he opined.

The Ethiopian Herald April 14 2019


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