“Ethiopia is asset of tolerance, symbol of peaceful co-existence,” Morrocan Ambassador

ADDIS ABABA — Beyond being an asset of coexistence and mutual understanding for the country, this firmly entrenched culture has made the nation unique and symbol of tolerance for the rest of the world, Moroccan Ambassador to Ethiopia said.

Ambassador Nezha Alaoui M’hamdi told the Ethiopian Herald yesterday that though Ethiopia is a multi‐ethnic nation with diverse cultures and languages, the country has also centuries’ old norms and practices of living in tolerance, mutual respect and peace.
Ethiopia promotes respect and guarantees greater opportunities to accumulate wealth and prosperity.

These elements signal the longstanding culture of Ethiopians, accepting and valuing diversity and living in harmony and peace, she added.

“Ethiopia, this hospitable, centuries-old nation, has a special place in the collective memory of Moroccans, as well as of Muslims as a whole.”
“In the Moroccan memory, Ethiopia will always be associated with our roots, history and identity, as a group of travelers walked through this blessed land, on their journey from Yemen and the Levant, to settle in what later to become Morocco.”

In this regard, Muslims will always remember the Kingdom of Axum, which granted refuge and protection to a group of companions of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, the Ambassador noted.

According to her, the Ethiopian and Moroccan nations have so much in common. They both belong to great African civilizations and have a time-honored history, which relies on them to operate an effective take-off, Amba Nezha says.

“Morocco, like Ethiopia, believes in Africa as a Continent drawing its strength from its own determination. Morocco and Ethiopia are both lands of tolerance and coexistence between different and diversified ethnic groups.”

Both counties have a common vision on supporting coexistence, peace and security in the African Continent and believe in the ideals of unity and solidarity between nations, Amba Nezha clarified.

As to her, the people-to-people ties have been showing significant progress from time to time, with a highly increased number of visitors and tourists from the two sides.

Herald December 9/2018


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