Libya condemns the Haftar Forces’ aggression on Mitiga Airport

ADDIS ABABA– Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of National Accord of The State of Libya has strongly condemned the aggressive operations carried out by Haftar forces’ on Tripoli and his continued escalation of that aggression regardless the international call for to him to stop it.

In a press release The Embassy of the State of Libya sent to The Ethiopian Herald read “In serious precedence, his warplane attacked Mitiga International Airport on Monday noon-8 April 2019, causing panic terror, horror and terror among the masses of citizens inside and outside the airport.”

It also led to the destruction of some public properties, infrastructure of the airport and ignoring the condition of the country is undergoing during the years following the incident of the 17th of February revolution i.e. efforts that were exerted to bring the country out chaos and fragmentation to stabilized phase, on the route to building the democratic civil state.

 Haftar Forces’ violated all national and international norms and conventions. So the act has been incriminated by international legal stipulations, either conventions or their complementary protocol, including Chicago convention of 1994 on regulating civil aviation rules.

The Ethiopian Herald April 11, 2019


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