Chamber goes all-out to lure investment: ECCSA

• Chamber invited Miami business delegation to foster closer bilateral ties

Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations (ECCSA) announced that it is making every effort to attract foreign business people so as to take part in Ethiopia’s untapped investment opportunities.

This was disclosed in relation to an event organized by the Chamber to welcome a Miami business delegation- Miami-Dade Countyheaded by Audrey M. Edmonson, Miami-Dade County Chairwoman. Chamber’s Investment Promotion Directorate Director Binyam Mesgina told The Ethiopian Herald that the group has come to Ethiopia following the invitation ECCSA has made for the business community in Miami to take part in Ethiopia’s untapped investment opportunities, during the Florida International Food Expo held two years ago.

The group has shown keen interest to work in joint venture with Ethiopian business people. This, in turn could help the nation in improving its export performance. Miami-Dade County has an extensive freight system encompassing all major modes of transportation.

The modes work to complement one another to ensure a smooth flow of goods throughout the country and connecting it to the region and international destinations. The network includes a system of roadways, railways, and freight which leverages the market opportunity in Caribbean and the USA.

“Ethiopia will benefit highly from potential bilateral relation because Miami-Dade offers unparalleled connectivity to U.S. hemispheric and global markets,” the Director remarked. Miami-Dade County Chairperson and Senior Legislative Aide Audrey M. Edmonson for her part said: “We are here to foster closer bilateral ties with Ethiopian business community in the areas of trade, tourism and cultural exchanges.

I am certain that our visit yields tangible results for both communities as we align our common goals and build economic bridges of opportunities.”

 Mentioning that it is her first visit to Ethiopia, Florida Africa Foundation Founder and Managing Director Lori Spivey, for her part, said that her foundation supports and invests on small and medium size investments in Africa.

“We do have projects in Kenya Malawi, Tanzania, and Nigeria.” According to her, Ethiopia has ample opportunities for investment owing to its untapped resources and younger population. The ongoing reform is also the other point.

“I would like to appreciate the move, and glad to be here.” As to her, Ethiopia’s agricultural export performance is though increasing; some of the items supplied to the international market are direct. This calls for value addition.

If any sort of investment that could add value could shape the agro processing industry with many superb return. Gizework Tessema, Managing Director of Gize Private Limited Company, engaged in logistics and shipping service, also said that Ethiopia is becoming the strategic partners of business in many parts of the globe and Ethiopia’s business communities should be ready to create linkage to build joint venture business as it could impact nation development positively.

“It is one of the prospects that all should be ready to benefit from the business relations.” On the occasion, representatives of Miami business companies have made business to business meetings with their Ethiopian counterparts. Roundtable discussion has also been conducted between female business people of the two sides regarding how to collaborate, work together, strengthen their business networking and similar issues of common interest.

Likewise, representative of the crew explained the economic impact of the Miami-Dade County, Miami International Airport, Miami cargo services to Africa and Ethiopia, the significance of trade with Africa and Ethiopia, Port Miami, Miami tourism opportunities, and its unique resources as a brand, to participants. The delegation encompasses port managers and over 15 small and medium business operators drawn from the health, fashion, textile and construction sectors.

The Ethiopian Herald April 10/2019


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