State Minister calls AU Member States to implement Anthem, Flag Proclamation

• Ethiopia working to ratify proclamation soon

ADDIS ABABA — Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on all Africa nations to implement the Africa Union Anthem and Flag Proclamation. Speaking on the event organized by Addis Ababa University Department of Political Science and International Relations to introduce African Union Anthem and Flag Proclamation, State Minister of Foreign Affairs Hirut Zemene noted that even though AU has already ratified that all member states should hoist and sing AU Flag and Anthem alongside their own in its 50th session, only three African countries currently apply it.

Ethiopia should have ratified and implemented it earlier, but for various reasons it did not happen that is regrettable but now Minister of Council is working on the draft and ready to sending it to the Parliament and ratify it in the same calendar, shenoted.

“Currently only Namibia, South Africa and Malawi are implementing the proclamation, and the rest of African member states should reconsider how to apply the decisions of the 50th AU assembly.” Before the ratification of the proclamation, platforms of awareness creation will be organized to introduce the proclamation content and related issues to students of higher education’s institutions of Mekelle, Hawassa, Adama, Bahirdar, Diredawa universities.

The Ethiopian Herald April 10/2019


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