South Sudan confers honorary citizenship to Ethiopian business mogul

ADDIS ABABA – South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir Mayardit presented honorary citizenship to Ethiopian businessman, Aysheshim Teka on Sunday for his phenomenal service for the country’s peace and development. The President presented the award to Aysheshim at a peace marathon dubbed as “Great South Sudan Run” held in Juba.

 According South Sudan news sources, the award was presented for the role the Ethiopian business magnate has been played in supporting national cohesion, unity and development ever since the political chaos rocked the new nation in 2013.

 Speaking at the occasion, President Salva Kiir said the Ethiopian national now South Sudanese as a great friend and defender of humanity. Aysheshim, who is also owner of Dembesh Hotel in Juba, has contributed a lot for South Sudan including the renovation of police training centers as well as raising funds for social welfare among others, the President stated.

The Ethiopian business mogul, who also renders financial support to local entrepreneurs, sponsored similar event last year, drawing top athletes from Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Uganda for fund raising in a bid to curb hunger in South Sudan.

The Ethiopian Herald April 9, 2019


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