Truth speaks for itself

The misinformation campaign that most media houses and some western countries have set off against Ethiopia and ensnared themselves dishonestly has continued in more organized and concerted manner than before.

Those media houses and some countries are working untiringly to failing Ethiopia and mislead the global communities through disseminating white lies via their mainstream and social media though they could not succeeded as they wish.

Few days before those entities were heralding fake news, issuing distracting statements and warnings which are entirely untrue. Aiming to discourage Ethiopians and friends of Ethiopia, blemish the picture of the nation, and put maximum pressure on Ethiopia thereby serve their interests, they have been misleading the global community.

Luckily, as the truth cannot be buried for long; it is speaking for itself and exposing their lies. Among others, the demonstration that was carried out last Sunday in the capital Addis Ababa is the single incident that exposed their lies and ill intents.

Those entities had unashamedly announced as Addis Ababa and the surrounding areas are under siege of the terrorist TPLF and Shene; and their fighters were on the verge of entering to the capital.

However, after witnessing the responses of Addis Ababians gathered at Meskel Square in support of the National Defense Forces; but denouncing the terrorist TPLF and Shane groups, the interferences of foreign entities plus media houses that are preoccupied in disseminating white lies about Ethiopia, they could not say a word about to their failure.

The gathering has conveyed the right signals and repercussions to nation’s friends and enemies.

Speaking on the occasion, Mayor Adanech Abibie said that the Trojan horses are getting support from forces that trade in the name of democracy. Their undemocratic nature is now exposed.

The external elements waged a war of misinformation and disinformation for over a year through their mainstream media targeting to tarnish Ethiopia. For instance, they reported as genocide was perpetrated in Tigray, but when the UN body dismissed the claim, these media outlets never get the gut to ask for apologies.”

The most recent war of disinformation is being conducted targeting the people of Addis Ababa. The media circulated propaganda that Addis Ababa is under siege by terrorist forces.

“Yes, it is. Addis is surrounded by its unique people, by its children who defend it, “she remarked denouncing their blatant propaganda.

Bob Schlehuber, a Washington, D.C. based American Journalist working for Sputnik News also debunked western media fake news on Ethiopia.

As to him, the reports that most Western media disseminating are not accurate and support the TPLF.

Mentioning that he has been in the capital for the last four days, Schlehuber said that some western media, among them, the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, BBC and Bloomberg are pushing lies and falsehoods about Ethiopia. Addis Ababa and the environs are now peaceful and calm and the people are engaged in their day to day activities, he reiterated.

“The reports from those media about the security situation in Addis Ababa are not accurate. Addis Ababa right now is peaceful; Thousands of its residents and the surrounding have gathered here in the Meskel Square and protested against the terrorist TPLF peacefully, he told FBC.

“I don’t think the people of Addis hate the people of Tigray. I think they want there to be one Ethiopia together. And what we’re reading in the Western media is not true. The media are pushing lies and falsehoods. I’ve also seen so many false reports from journalists in Nairobi, Kenya, and others who are not here in Addis Ababa.

The international community needs to call on the TPLF to put down their weapons and stop their attack on people in Amhara and Afar states.

Uganda’s journalist Kungu Al-mahadiAdam also said that western powers have been striving to overthrow Ethiopian legal government and return terrorist TPLF in to power to serve their interest in Ethiopia and Africa as a whole.

Since the outbreak of fighting between Ethiopian Army and the terrorist TPLF, the terrorist attacked military bases and massacred civilians in Amhara and Afar States. Though western powers are aware of the atrocities and crimes committed by the terrorists; they do not dare to condemn the act; but to continually accuse federal government through creating false propaganda.

As he twitted, the western media are widely reporting how Tigrayans are persecuted but never do they report that TPLF attacked military bases, later rejected Unilateral Ceasefire declared by federal government and that it is committing more atrocities on Ethiopians on a daily as well as stifling access of humanitarian support in Tigray to attract international sympathy.

As to the journalist, their intention in Ethiopia is first of all, to make the country ungovernable for Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, but also create ground for the direct intervention of TPLF’s international allies and ensure that the legitimate government is forced out of power and they (TPLF) are clandestinely returned, he remarked.



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