Reform need to touch more civic societies

One year has already passed since the ongoing reform is bearing fruits. Within this period lots of multidimensional changes are witnessed and most people are being surprised with the result. Citizens are also actively participating on national reform activities. Lots of governmental and non-governmental organizations and others are also appreciating the reform idea and trying to do their part. The civic societies are part of this groups that appreciate the reform activities of the nation.

Dr. Gemechis Mamo, is president of Ethiopian Health Professionals Association. He stated that the atmosphere of the nation is under

 smooth transformation. The political and social compass of the nation is pointing towards peace. The current reform has inspired every Ethiopians. He said, the already started political dialogue among opposition parties and the incumbent are indications of democratization.

According to him, the reform did not only provide opportunities to opposition parties. It has also created a conducive environment to all Ethiopians to reflect their view on the political condition of the country. The reform has given them freedom of speech which is the core value of democracy.

This is one of indicators for the change, Gemechis said. When the proclamation comes on the ground it will open the door for the associations to work better on their sector. But, because of the health sector needs a long process and the change on the sector is not fully stand on the ground, it cannot say confidently that change is achieved on the health sector.

For Enigidaye Eshete, chairperson for women Business Organization of IGAD, Multipurpose changes in the country is appreciable, but regarding of keeping peace is still in question. So, it needs to work together to have peace. Especially youths have a responsible to keep peace and sustain the starting development movements.

She added that particularly the Grand Ethiopian Renaissances Dam is one of the big developmental projects and the generation needs to achieve. Civic societies, youths and other bodies need to move for the nation peace and reform sustainability, and the development will come later.

As to her, women in businesses have not been benefited because of the previous proclamation for the establishment of chamber of commerce and sectorial association has been not yet amended. Based on this, women cannot develop their products, their organization and related things. So as to give emphasis for other sectors in the reform, it needs proclamation amendment and must develop the sector.

Yohanis Benti, President of Ethiopian Teachers Association, agreed that now democratic situation is created and women’s association supports this moment. He stated that the roadmap which is on the process is the indication of change. Researches conducted by the association will also be an input for the roadmap.

As to the president, there was no teachers service commission in the country but now it has got acceptance and it will established soon.

The reform is still not fully implemented on the ground, he stated. And to come sustain the reform and to achieve its goal, it must touch every sectors till the lower level of administration. The civic societies also need to take part in sustaining the reform and assure women’s benefit and demand.

In fact, the civic societies are free from any political situation and they work for benefiting their members and societies in general. They should take leadership positions at different administration structures and participate in the ongoing reform processes.

The Ethiopian Herald April 7/2019


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