Ending junta`s last breath via combined hands

One year has already passed since the Ethiopian National Defense Force was betrayed and slaughtered by the terrorist TPLF. Despite the fact that the ENDF and the people of Tigray had been living in harmony for almost two decades in the Northern front, the terrorist TPLF junta-that has never been considering itself as Ethiopia has mercilessly slayed those brave Ethiopian heroes and heroines.

However, those all ill deeds-slaughtering of members of Ethiopian Defense Forces in the Northern front together with the abolishment of infrastructures, mass killing of innocent civilians in Amhara and Afar states as well as displacement of innocent Ethiopians – would not cripple Ethiopians. Rather, it drives them to unite and stand together to defend our country.

Ethiopians are made out of hard struggle and perseverance. The attempt of the terrorist TPLF junta, which is conceived and conspired in the bush to destroy Ethiopia, is a nightmare. All the hardship Ethiopians passed through have made them stronger and capable of overcoming demanding times. The strong fraternity and solidarity among all Ethiopians is still strong and unblemished.

As it was indicated by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) last Wednesday, the terrorist enterprise did not only let down the National Defense Forces that had been defending the Northern front and serve the community living in the area, it has also betrayed Ethiopia. Ethiopians will renew their vow to protect their land and bury the junta for once and for all.

TPLF`s “Divide and rule” strategy had been governing Ethiopia for almost three decades. Due to this strategy, Ethiopians had been seen each other with suspicion and fear.

Till they realized the true nature of TPLF, they had been the prey of its mean strategy. However, when the time comes, Ethiopians have joined hands to preserve an age old culture of tolerance, which the terrorist group had striving for decades to mar it, and have come into common ground to eradicate their common enemy.

Considering Ethiopians are divided and lack Ethiopian sentiment is the other indicator of TPLF`s witlessness. It did not recognize the true essence of Ethiopians.

The past twelve months have manifested its ill intentions. As it was repeatedly indicated by terrorist’s speaker, the major objective of the junta is not to regain power in the center or fight for justice, but to accomplish its evil vision of destroying Ethiopia, which is entirely a nightmare.

Tribal mentality still persists among TPLF junta leaders. All attempts by the government to settle differences have failed due to the warmongering nature of the terrorist faction and its leaders. Due to this, several Tigrean youth have lost their priceless life for no reason; Tigrean mothers have become helpless. Several innocent civilians have become prey of junta`s propaganda.

As the TPLF junta loses its power at the center, it has started using all strategies to distract the peace and stability of the nation. This includes fabricating false propagandas and disseminating misleading information through the Western media. However, despite the support from anti-Ethiopian elements to the junta, the mass has risen to defend the sovereignty of the nation and to destroy the terrorist group from Ethiopian soil for once and for all.

Ethiopia had faced enemies several times. Both internal and external enemies had tried to ruin the peace and stability of the nation. However, according to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, the combined hands of Ethiopians have defeated and inflicted them unforgettable embarrassments. This will be the fate of the terrorist junta which is at the verge of its last breath.

All the prices which are being paid by Ethiopians show how the propaganda of the junta is far from reality and how strong Ethiopian sentiment is.

Ethiopians are fighting for the sake of democracy and justice. They are sacrificing their interest for the sake of their mother Ethiopia. The blood of those Ethiopian heroes who were slaughtered in the Northern front still calls for justice.

The attempt of the junta to hinder Ethiopia`s advancement towards prosperity and democracy will be finalized by speeding up its death. Needless to say there were repeated attempts to destroy Ethiopia. However, Ethiopians have sacrificed their priceless life and have sustained the greatness of their land. This true Ethiopian sentiment is still strong in the heart of every Ethiopian. Its greatness would not be crippled by junta`s advancement or false claims of international organizations.

As it was indicated by Prime Minister Abiy`s letter to the Joint Investigation Team Report of the EHRC and UNOHCHR, the Ethiopian government has made several attempts to avoid all forms of conflict that cost the nation dearly. However, the remnants of the terrorist junta have been sticking to their meanness and have claimed the life of innocent people.

“Following the unilateral ceasefire and withdrawal of all government forces from Tigray State at the end of June 2021, TPLF chose to expand the conflict into neighboring areas, Afar and Amhara States and continued to commit similar acts of atrocities in these regions. These wanton and cruel acts of the terrorist group and its affiliates signify the need to join hands to neutralize its capability of wreaking havoc and brutalize civilians.”

Knowing the war is not only with the terrorist TPLF junta; but also with the invisible hands of some Westerners, Ethiopians have joined together more than ever as the warfare Ethiopians have faced now could only be handled by joint hands of the Ethiopians only.

As it is indicated by Ethiopian Defense Force Chief General Berhanu Jula, the National Defense Force is discharging all its responsibility to preserve the peace and stability of the nation. This effort should be supported by the people of Ethiopia. This is the time Ethiopia needs not critics but strong and combined hands that effectively destroy its enemies.



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