Firm societal solidarity: The secret behind Ethiopians’ victory

So the saying goes ‘Unity is strength,’ all Ethiopians residing at home and abroad have been consolidating fraternity, unity and cooperation setting their minor differences regarding political ideology, race, religion and place of origin. Yes, Ethiopia’s future is at the hands of its sons and daughters. That is why they are from every nook and cranny of the globe have started standing by the side of the first democratically and willingly elected government.

This lovely east African nation is the first country that has never been colonized and has maintained its independence overcoming the wave of aggression and revamping state of liberation.

The secret of Ethiopians victory in every direction is undoubtedly their unity and cooperation. Surprisingly, the previous TPLF-led regime had tried all its best to bury Ethiopians unity and Ethiopian-ness deep. Cognizant of the fact that the regime successfully divided nations and nationalities in terms of race, religion, territorial demarcation via sowing hostility and rivalry, the terrorist groups commenced attacking the northern command to revert the reform.

However, the reverse has become true as sitizens from all walks of life stood against their evil deed and fostered the momentum they are seen off to graveyard. Basically, there are three fundamental reasons why Ethiopians have become unified and firmly fought against the devilish Junta.

First and foremost, Ethiopians forefathers and foremothers passed down an in depended and sovereign nation kneeling down foreign aggressors and local infiltrators. The current generation has repeated the best legacy senior citizens maintained.

Secondly, everyone knows the cruelty, hardhearted and irresponsible nature of the terrorist group. If truth be told, no nation, tribe or clan, hasn’t tasted the bitter administrative gouge of TPLF. As all people of the country has long been suffering from the looting and theft feature, maladministration nature, conflict entrepreneur gesture of TPLF and its leftovers, no one can stand by their side except those who have together with them been plundering the country following an organized and legal manner.

Thirdly, the terrorist group’s ill-intended mission to meet the order of Ethiopia’s historical enemies agendum—dismantling Ethiopia—has provoked a serious anger among all people of the country.

This promising unity and cooperation has to be well consolidated and continue flourishing as it has unwavering foundation for the future of the country. Not only is Ethiopians unity a remedy to bury the junta far but it is also of paramount importance in orienting any world nation to know who Ethiopians are and what Ethiopia is.

There might be a heavy poverty and disease burden in the country these days particularly following the destructive acts of the terrorist group. Since it has demolished social institutions like schools, health facilities, colleges and other related entities, Ethiopians are left with a vast assignment to be bridged. This could also be an easy task to deal with so long as Ethiopians are united.

True, investors, patriotic Ethiopians, charity organizations, the diaspora community, religious organizations, among others, have promised to work together to successfully pass the hurdles and bottlenecks Ethiopia has now been through.

Undeniably, government’s commitment and investors bold move to enhance pro-poor sectors, with support from development partners, international organization and Ethiopia’s friends has enabled the country to yield positive results. “We have to place high value and emphasis to our unity, harmonious way of running activities and culture of helping one another since we have understood that the reform government’s agenda has been a viable means to transform the country.

Ethiopia is a diplomatic state and its capital—Addis Ababa—is also a capital of Africa—everyone can reach the rest of Africa because the African Union and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa are found here.

The government has been clear about how it wants to grow the economy. It is committed both to beef up growth with a view to lifting many people out of poverty. Infrastructure development like the road and the light rail network, promising industrial parks on which the government has focused across the nation that will house textile, leather, agro-processing and other labor-intensive factories, efforts geared towards promoting homegrown economy is ways on which Ethiopia can rely to make a difference. The power generation work Ethiopia has embarked upon is impressive, too. In so doing, the country is going to be a power hub, generating sufficient power not just for itself but also for export to other countries within the shortest time possible. Telecom is another example of infrastructure the government has capitalized on quite well.

The government is also going above and beyond to strengthen the capacity of the private sector and also to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) to support development. Yes, there’s a promotional effort to attract investments, depending on the sectors they think are catalytic to growth.

“There has been a concentrated effort by all the players, governments, donors, investors, farmers, the general public and others to change country’s development trajectory. Interestingly, if we change the story of agriculture, we can absolutely change the story of Ethiopia taking how the two are firmly intertwined,” he added.

All Ethiopians at all fronts are relentlessly fighting against the terrorist TPLF with a view to safeguarding the sovereignty and national integrity of the nation.

He further stated that all the current challenges in ensuring the rule of law, unresolved administrative boundary issues, displacement, anti-change agents working against the reforms and corruption and lack of good governance would be seen for good by Ethiopians unity.

Right now, all Ethiopians believe that the concept of Unity in Diversity is effective in solving various social, economic and political problems as it is very useful means for a diverse country. Fundamentally, the concept allows people of different religions, cultures, castes, to lead a harmonious, peaceful and stable life.

We all have to know that unity gives us courage power and strength as to cooperate is to operate or work together. Since no single living object in nature is completely independent, cooperation is essentially a human characteristic and is based on the equal worth of every individual.Every individual is unique and every race and nation has a unique contribution to the effort of making independent, affluent and sovereign nation and sympathetic humanity.

All in all, no earthly power can challenge Ethiopia and disintegrate its citizens as they have enjoyed working together and it is a constant source of knowledge, strength, skill and wisdom to all, as all have their own respective role to play in pushing the country steps forward in a bid to come up with a prosperous country and comfy life. As far as the society is concerned, each and every citizen has to effectively discharge their respective responsibilities since such a committed stance helps bring about real change in all aspects. Here, every individual can widen their awareness both outward into the world and inward into themselves.

As a viable means to bring about sustainable change throughout the country, citizens in every place and locality can actively participate in sharing the responsibility for building a rich, varied and cooperative life for all thereby building a prosperous nation that can confidently overcome all sorts of challenges and futile conspiracies through intensifying unity and fraternity.

The Ethiopian  Herald   28 October 2021

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