One of the remarkable actions taken by Dr Abiy Ahmed as he assumed the premiership a year ago is the releasing of political prisoners including journalists and activists. As a result thousands of prisoners have regained freedom to pursue the political activities they used to practice prior to their imprisonment.
As a result of this people of the country had fallen into syndrome of considering human rights, good governance, rule of law and democracy as an issue of luxury and something unattainable. Ethiopia has also passed through such moment for many decades. The impact of this crisis on the country was not simple.
When many of the public engaged in civil war and riot at home many citizens were exiled and abandoned their country. The country also lost its ages old historical image and reputation as one of the strong nations in the world. They were also engaged in activities that consumed their time and resource in the political activities instead of working to support the economic and social development of their compatriots.
But by simply ensuring peoples freedom of speech, association and involving in political activities, the government is able to pacify the situation at home, attract exiled compatriot to return home as well as win the reputation of other governments and international organizations, among others. Therefore the government’s decision to free political prisoners is a vital action that can potentially unchain the minds of the people, intellectuals, politicians and all sections of the society from the traumatic effect of the suppressive actions of the past that chilled their feelings from actively engaging in the political progress of the nation.
If these sections of the society do not fully and actively engage in the social, economic and political activities of their country, they are almost leaving the space for totalitarian rulers and nullifying the values and flourishing of democracy. Hence both the government and political parties have to play a shared responsibility to nurture the current level of success attained in building up the trust and confidence of the public as well as politicians and scholars to freely and actively involve in the country’s political activities.
As raised by many politicians and activists, there is a need to raise adequate resources to organize and sensitize people, promote their agenda and contribute their share in the political activities of the country. Especially those who operate with the mere contribution and support of members are likely to face shortcomings especially to run office where they can assemble and discuss, reach out to their supporters as well as pay for expenses.
On the other hand politicians and activists should work responsibly by respecting the laws of the country as well as the values of the society. Even though the government is exercising utmost patience, the politicians and parties should also be responsible to nurture the freedom ensured by the government and work strenuously to addressing remaining problems and invigorate the ongoing process of building democratic system.
The Ethiopian Herald April 6/2019