Hybrid war won`t cripple Ethiopia

Ethiopia is not currently fighting the terrorist TPLF. It is also fighting a hybrid war to preserve its dignity and ensure constitutional order. That is why all attempts to intervene in the local matter are considered a proximity war.All external pressures to twist Ethiopia`s hand under the pretext of humanitarian aid or sanctions totally denies the foundation where the new Ethiopia originated and the principles of sovereignty. Ethiopia is an independent state with its constitutional values and principles. It is a sovereign land that would never compromise its constitutional supremacy with aid.The recent attempt of the EU parliament together with its allies to impose “Humanitarian imperialism” in Ethiopia has no solidfoundations. The EU parliament`s resolution to twist the Ethiopian arm is both unjustified and has not consider Ethiopian sovereignty.Throughout its history, Ethiopia has never been free of challenges. It has been facing both internal and external enemies. However, the combined effort of Ethiopians has enabled the nation to successfully overcome them. The type of enemies might vary but Ethiopia is still facing such enemies. The recent pressure from America and the EU parliament is a good example to this. Despite all its constitutional right to preserve its sovereignty, the EU parliament and America are working hand and glove to cripple Ethiopia`s effort towards prosperity, peace and stability.Starting from the first day the TPLF junta leaders took the hard way, the Federal government had been using all nonviolent ways to avoid war. However, since the leaders of the terrorist group are backed by anti-Ethiopian elements and humanitarian imperialists they have preferredthe hardest way which is not beneficial to any party. They even went on considering the patience of the Federal government as a sign of fear and powerlessness. Indeed, all the “Go ahead” advice from anti-Ethiopian elements has truly driven the TPLF junta leaders to consider themselves as invincible. This chauvinistic thought has put the life of hundreds and thousands of people in danger. Innocent civilians have lost their priceless life; infrastructures are destroyed.As it was indicated by the blogger Andrew Korybko, who is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, American hybrid war on Ethiopia has and aim to turn the country into Yugoslavia, which implies its full dissolution along regional lines.Indeed, despite the fact that it was not effective, there were attempts to ruin Ethiopia and replicate the case of Yugoslavia and Syria in Ethiopia. The effort of U.S backed forces, including corrupt UN officials, and the pressure from the EU parliament is a clear indication to this. However, the combined hands of Ethiopians have safeguarded the nation and witnessed strong Ethiopian sentiment.

Starting from the time war broke out between the Ethiopian government and the terrorist TPLF, the latter had been using innocent civilians as a shield to cover all its failures and stubbornness. The TPLF junta has let hundreds and thousands of people to suffer from hunger. It has used humanitarian aids to its advantage; raped girls and massacred civilians.

Ethiopia is still a strong and unified nation that cannot be conquered either by hybrid war or terrorist propaganda. The constitutional base of the nation is sovereignty and the blood sacrifice made by those great heroes and heroines obliged all Ethiopians to stand firm for unity.

Using the colonial strategy of “Divide and rule” to make institutions dysfunctional was deliberately applied by the TPLF leaders. It was a system the junta leaders set as an “emergency exit” when destroying Ethiopia became effective. However, the strong Ethiopian sentiment has overshadowed the strategy and has backfired on TPLF itself.

“Bosnificaiton” of Ethiopia or imposing “humanitarian imperialism” may work somewhere else, but, it is impractical in Ethiopia for several reasons. The strong cultural, social and political bondageamong Ethiopians still guarantee unity. The patriotic population of Ethiopia had never accepted invasion or defeated under any circumstance. This is the true essence of Ethiopia and the secret behind its existence for centuries.Using it’s age-old treacheries and fabricated lies, the TPLF junta had been stirring Ethiopian politics for more than two decades. It is using the same strategy now to mislead the global community. For known or unknown reasons, the EU parliament and its counterpart America have become the victims of its drama. Starting from the first time the TPLF junta took the wrong direction, the Ethiopian government had been following the right path for the sake of peace. However, stubbornness and greed has shut the eyes of TPLF leaders and hundreds and thousands of innocent people have lost their priceless lives.

All the blame on the Ethiopian government by external forces (EU parliament and America) is a manifestation of their dire desire to intervene in the local affairs under the pretext of humanitarian support, which totally violates the constitutional principles of the nation. The tendency of EU parliament to intervene in the internal affairs of Ethiopia, adopt a resolution and labeling constitutional rights of the Ethiopian government unjust while overlooking all atrocities committed by the TPLF junta misses the core point of bringing peace.Despite the fact that the Ethiopian government has repeatedly provided evidence of TPLF`s atrocities, the EU parliament and America has preferred to focus on baseless claims. That confirms again their interest in the conflict. As a sovereign state, the Ethiopian government will take all legal and constitutional measures to protect the peace independent of external pressure. The Ethiopian government has all constitutional mandates to safeguard its citizens including those people in Tigray that have become prey to TPLF junta fabricated lies.



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