Italy grants laboratory instruments to EPHI

ADDIS ABABA – The Italian government has donated two laboratory instruments worth 2.2 million Birr to the Ethiopian Public Health Institution Tuesday. During the handover ceremony, Dr. Getachew Tolera, institute Deputy Director said that the instruments are vital to the quality of nutrition research.

Dr. Meseret Woldeyohannes, Associate Researcher and Team Leader of Food Science and Nutrition Laboratory said the two instruments are useful to analyze and measure the amount of crude fat and Amino Acid. Specially amino acid analyzer instrument is the first instrument in Ethiopia and helps to measure and identify the amount of amino acid in food and blood sample.

Essential Amino Acids are acids that the body cannot produce by itself. Thus, essential Amino Acids can be obtained through diet or supplementation and the instruments are very vital for identifying the type of Amino Acid that the body requires, he added.

Feven Getachew, Representative for the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICs) said Ethiopia has one of the priority countries for Italy as longtime partners. The Italian government has been working closely with the Ethiopian government by investing in the area of agro-processing, health, and industry sectors.

The Ethiopian Herald, April 4/2019


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