Kindness pays off

Living in a world where one cannot be sure of his/her future; or predict what fate presents in front of him, it is always prudent to be kind, considerate and give a lending hand for those who fall into a difficult situation.

As there are people who made their fellow citizens forcibly leave their birth places, families, properties and what they have earned through hard work, there are also others who are committed to sacrifice themselves for the sake and wellbeing of others.

In this regard, Ethiopians are always exemplary. We are always at the frontline in reaching and backing fellow citizens both in good and bad times and lessening their burdens.

The current situation in Ethiopia could be best showcase in this respect. Following the unfortunate incident came to happen in the northern part of the country and adjacent areas, millions of people are displaced and hundreds of thousands are left in need of critical humanitarian assistance.

Though the challenge is wide ranging, many Ethiopians are striving persistently to help those people and discharge their social responsibility. Seid Gumate is one of these Ethiopians who are ready to help those in need through contributing what they have.

Seid is a resident of Kombolcha Town. With this same drive, he has sheltered over 106 internally displaced citizens from North Wollo Zone in his own house.

Apart from the people who are sheltering in his house, he has also rented additional house for about 50 people who have special cases. Of the people, Hadra Nurye, who displaced from Merssa Town, North Wollo of the Amhara State is the one. By the time Hadra arrived in his house, she was pregnant and almost in her due dates.

Understanding the psychological and health related consequences it may cause when accompanied by lots of people, he decided to keep Hadra and other people who are in similar challenges renting a house in nearby areas.

Seid believes that supporting each other would lessen the burden of the conditions.

“Inheriting kindness for the posterity is vital. We should join hands and work in collaboration to pass this unfortunate time,” he said.

The other Ethiopian who is backing members of the national force is Abdela Mohammed. Abdela lives in Gendaweha Town, in Amhara State.

Without skipping a single day, he has been visiting Metema Hospital for the past consecutive days.

As one might easily guess, none of his family member or relatives got hospitalized there. But he was committedly heading back and forth to visit members of the security forces who got injured in Metema Shenfa Front.

He has been visiting members of the army who were being treated at the Hospital by providing them with four bucket of soup each day.

As to him, it is not always necessary to be rich to support others. Following the war waged by TPLF terrorists thousands of people are seeking the support of their fellow citizens. That is why he decided to contribute his share.

Expressing his uninterrupted visit and service since the last few weeks, he pledged to continue his support to the final days of the terrorist group.

Acknowledging the unwavering commitment that Abdela has shown to them, the security forces reiterated that the soup is helping them to recover soon adding that it would help them return to the army and demolish the entity that put them there.

The security forces as well as people who witnessed Abdela’s altruistic acts noted that his action is an exemplary and inspirational as it shows the possibility of backing others with what we have.

As the renowned philanthropist Mother Teresa once said: “At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. But, we will be judged by “I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in.”



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