Serving Ethiopia beyond words

Ethiopians serve their motherland in each and every activity they are engaged in and in every possible ways. Some have sacrificed their priceless life to ensure its independence and preserve its dignity; some have served it in their professions, as medical practitioners, teachers, musicians, painters among others to move the country forward and make sure its overall development is advanced.

Due to the combined effort of its children, Ethiopia has remained a nation that can maintain its sovereignty throughout its times and a country with a long history of statehood.

No matter what kind of challenges it had gone through; no matter what its internal traitors and external enemies have tried day in day out to blemish its dignity and disrupt its internal peace, Ethiopia has prevailed. This is what we are witnessing now. Despite the external pressure and internal attempts to destroy Ethiopia’s unity, its children have renewed their promises to preserve a strong and unified Ethiopia.

Following its dismissal from power, the terrorist TPLF had been used as a “Trojan horse” to anti-Ethiopian elements. However, the more it acts an agent of destruction, the more Ethiopians have joined their hands for better tomorrow. All Ethiopians, who engaged in different professions, have rose together to see a stable and prosperous Ethiopia.

Following its dismissal from power, the TPLF terrorist faction has been doing everything it can to dismantle Ethiopia joining hands with anti-Ethiopian elements. Currently, being “Trojan horse” for nation’s historic enemies, the element is carrying out disgracing activities against the country.

However, the more it acts as an agent of destruction, the more Ethiopians have joined their hands for better tomorrow. All Ethiopians, who engaged in different professions, have stood together to contribute their share, defend the country, and see a stable and prosperous Ethiopia.

Dr. Artist Dawit Yifru, is an Ambassador for ‘Timhert Bete’ Program that is designed to inspire and nurture the concept of true Ethiopian sentiment among students. He believes that, due to the commitment and selfless acts of our forefathers, we have received the new Ethiopia. In this regard, we have responsibility to preserve and deliver strong and unified Ethiopia for the new generation.

According to Dawit, sharing one`s life experience to the new generation will have a significant role in building the new Ethiopia. He said, no matter what kind of profession a person is engaged in, he/she is duty-bound in creating responsible citizens.

Chirotaw Kelkay, is a performing artist. Asked how he explains Ethiopian sentiment, he was looking for the right word to express Ethiopia. For him, Ethiopian sentiment is beyond words. It is the life he is living. It is oxygen he breathes in.

“As a child we used to learn about the history of Ethiopia. Those old times have a lasting print in my heart.” says, Chirotaw. According to him, it was a mandatory to know the history of Ethiopia in class. By studying the courageous deeds of those Ethiopians, Chirotaw and his friends have ingrained inside a true sense of Ethiopiansim.

According to him, almost all Ethiopian leaders have tried their best to engrave Ethiopiansm in the heart of every child. But this does not include the terrorist TPLF junta that acts almost like a monster. Because of the treacherous moves of the terrorist faction and its leaders, we are now observing the existing political instability. The new generation has lost the sense of Ethiopian because of the divisive propaganda of the terrorist party and its devilish acts.

He said, every Ethiopian is duty bound to plant the sense of Ethiopiansim in the new generation. In this regard, schools should be serving as a “nursery” to up bring patriot Ethiopians.

“Ethiopians have unique culture of eating together, sharing from his/her scarce resource and love to support others. This is our typical identity that no one gives us or no single course in school teaches us. We need to capitalize on it.” According to him, in this regard, artists and celebrities have to exert all their energy.

Mesay Shifwa, is a Managing Director for Mesay Promotion. According to him, nurturing Ethiopian sentiment should not be left to a single ministry, agency or an organization. Rather, it should be the responsibility of every Ethiopian. As part of its objectives of nurturing Ethiopianism among the new generation, Mesay Promotion, together with other stakeholders has organized an event that would happen very soon.

He said, on the program, several Ethiopian celebrities (Musicians, activists, athletes, politicians and others) will share their life experience in selected 22 schools that are found in Addis Ababa. Using their life time experiences, prominent figures would serve the new Ethiopia as an ambassador and share the concept of Ethiopian sentiment in selected schools.

Ethiopiansim is beyond words, says Mesay. It is not all about words of mouth. It goes beyond that. In this regard, students must experience what it means to stand for one`s country and aspired to be true patriots.

Mesay said, Ethiopia is a land where several patriots have fought and sacrifice their lives for its dignity in various ways. Schools are best places to produce future leaders. For this reason, students need to be inspired by celebrities and influential individuals.

EGAD Member Countries Merchant Women President, Engedaye Eshete, on her part said that schools should serve as a ground to nurture committed and patriot Ethiopians. Due to modernization and other related factors the youths have slipped out of the track of Ethiopianism. She stressed that; parents should capitalize on their children. They have all the responsibility to up bring socially and morally responsible children.

Ethiopia is a precious land; its pricelessness is deeply rooted in the heart of every Ethiopian. However, the new generation is losing this essence. For this reason, every Ethiopian must work aggressively to bring back the youth into the track. She said that every individual should work as an ambassador of Ethiopia so as to bring the true identity of our greatness.



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