Alemayehu Eshete: The much missed Artist

 Whenever we think of the so-called Golden Period of modern Ethiopian pop music, Alemayehu Eshete becomes monumental because he incarnates everything positive that an artist of his generation could have. He was an accomplished composer, vocalist, lyricist, performer and most of all a fervent nationalist as most of his contemporaries were. But he was also one who openly expressed his desire to be a film actor and had in fact tried to reach Hollywood using any means available including the clandestine and dangerous journey hiding in a ship stationed in one of the ports of Ethiopia, Massawa.

Alemayehu Eshete has repeatedly declared that his model was the American icon Elvis Priestly whose style of hairdo and dressing he admired and tried to emulate. In fact, he was given the nick name in Ethiopia, Alex ‘the Ethiopian Elvis’. Unfortunately, his dream of going to Hollywood was thwarted by the direct control and intervention of his father who wanted him to pursue his education at home and not try to live in dreams. In fact, one of the most iconic songs of Alemayehu is called ‘Temar Lije’ which means ‘Go to School my son’. In the lyrics you find words such as ‘if you do not go to school and get educated, the day will be dark for you, while for those who are educated even the night is bright and shiny! It was a much loved and appreciated melodious and sad song that has since inspired generations of Ethiopians. It has become the inspirational sound that the Ministry of Education has always used to campaign for education. The lyrics also say ‘go to school my son, I have nothing to offer you because I am poor, and you will have nothing to inherit from me. So, be strong and pursue your education.’

Alemayehu has been in the musical industry of the country for the last six decades; he is the contemporary and almost of the same age of the much missed Artist Tilahun Gessesse and the likes of Mahmoud Ahmed and Ali Birra who are still alive. Of course there have been many ‘artists’ of his generation who have died earlier and one can say Alemayehu has been one of the healthiest and blessed ones with longevity with his family which is very successful. He has never had family issues that destroyed his harmonious life unlike those of his close friends such as Tilahun and Mahmoud. He never divorced from his first wife Ayehu Alem (which is practically the same name as his) and along with seven children he has always talked about ‘a peaceful and settled family life’ and that was, many remarked, the secret of his good and composed life, devoid of ups and downs.

Alemayehu was in fact a healthy person with only some minor heart issues that put him in crisis some years ago but successfully overcame that cardiac issue with a minor operation. I have met him since his recovery and asked him if he was okay and he had thanked God for the blessing of his return to normalcy. In fact, he did resume performing on the various platforms where he was invited and people still had a lot of admiration and respect as well as love for ‘Alex’ as many used to call him in an affectionate manner.

I have known of Alemayehu’s songs ever since I was a kid and I came to familiarize myself with the first of his records he had released and his style was mainly western with so many songs he sang in English imitating the songs and words of Elvis Priestly and other contemporaries of rock ‘n role. He was perhaps the first Ethiopian singer who used English as his main medium of performance before the likes of Netsanet Melesse came to the platform much later.

Alemayehu is reputed for being the first Ethiopian musician to print and release a recording on the once famous long playing plates we used to call “shekla” and it was only after him that both Tilahun, Mahmud and others followed his exploit. Alemayehu was also reputed to being the first artist to buy a personal vehicle many years ago when cars were a rare property only for the privileged few.

Always impeccably elegant and up to the latest fashion, always with his curly hair well combed and prepared for the show, Alemayehu was indeed a hugely talented artist who mostly composed his own songs and lyrics and even played on the piano in various night clubs in Addis and elsewhere. Some of his songs are so much part of the daily lives of our society that they have become symbolic expressions of our times. In his songs he campaigned for justice, equality and prosperity and the phrases were many times very serious and reflective of the times and the mood of the population.

Reading through his biography we find out that ‘Alex’ was first enrolled in the Police Orchestra when the most famous artists all belonged to either the Imperial Body Guard or the Armed Infantry Forces and there was rivalry between the three main forces with their artistic wings. They all had well gifted and trained professional musicians, writers and composers and Alemayehu was one of those who managed to be the standard bearer of his body, the Police Force, along with the other iconic female vocalist Hiruth Bekele who followers of Ethiopian music know and miss a lot. She is currently in the US having retired from music.

Alemayehu says he was born and brought up in Addis eighty years ago and followed his school at St Lazzarist Missionary School but his passion for the arts pushed him not to pursue too much with his education and immersed himself in the musical industry. But I know that later on he has managed to study law in the extension section of AAU and got his diploma. Alemayehu, unlike many of his peers and colleagues, was well educated and well read. He never squandered his time in frivolous activities and he was always busy with his passion. He has of course toured the world performing his songs and managed to be one of the most identifiable and iconic artists of the country for six decades!

Most of his songs have been acclaimed even by the current generation as they convey meaningful messages. As to his voice, well, there is no easy match to any singer even of the current performers. He still was a preferred choice and wherever he performed he had his fans with him. He was very energetic on the platform when he was in concerts despite his advanced age.

One of the most iconic songs of Alemayehu is called ‘Addis Ababa my home’ and it has been chosen as the symbol of the capital and is always a preferred song to be played at every occasion. When FM Addis 97.1 was first established more than twenty years ago, the first song that was aired was this song called ‘Addis Ababa Betee’ or “Addis my home”. It is a hot tune to which everyone danced even when he played it so many years later at the newly rebuilt Meskel Square inauguration party in the presence of the mayor and other officials of the city council.

At a recognition of artists ceremony held some months ago by the prime minister at Sheger Park in Addis, Alemayehu was one of those who was invited for the occasion and awarded a medal from the premier. He honored the occasion with his famous song “Addis Ababa Betee”.

Many people say Alemayehu was a ‘bold artist’ who did not hide his political views even when they were contrary to the incumbent; and nationalist as he was a man he never compromised on the unity and integrity of the country. He made it clear in all of his interviews and occasions. In fact even when he was about to die until the last days of his life, he was busy coordinating and organizing his colleagues in the project of making new sounds and lyrics contributing to the counterattacks that the Ethiopian national defense forces and other security agents were launching against the terrorist TPLF remnants. He was deeply saddened by the situation the country had found itself. He was however optimist and hopeful that this sad chapter of our recent history would conclude soon with the triumph of Ethiopians.

Alemayehu will live in the memories of every Ethiopian for the good works he has done and one can say he has done all he could to contribute for the flourishing of Ethiopian modern music. I am not aware of any biographies written on this colossal artist but I hope it will be told soon by those who know him best.



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