Prime Minister Dr Abiy Ahmed will recently mark his first anniversary since taking the position as head of government of Ethiopia. With his strong belief of unity, collaboration, he has managed to unite the people under the principle of medemer, which means synergy.
Indeed, he has shown people to value unity by teaching the gains of creating synergy. His philosophy of medemer has transcended the border of Ethiopia and won the attention of the region. As a leader of a country that has both the responsibility as well as the capacity to contribute towards the political, economic and social integration of the region, the premier is also venturing strong policy that reinforces the efforts of integrating the region.
During the high-level discussion forum of experts held last week, the premier in his closing remarks noted that Ethiopia would adhere to a soft diplomacy that brings together both the strong and weak and focuses on bilateral as well as multilateral ties. Integration and cooperation among the countries of the region is not only a choice.
Since the political and economic activities in the region will have direct and indirect impact on one another, the synergy is likely to be a serious issue that concerns all member states. As a country that occupies a special position in the Horn of Africa region, Ethiopia plays a leading and facilitating role in the region. Its geographical positioning puts it in the epicenter of the region connecting each other.
Composition of the population also creates strong linkage between peoples of the region that cross borders. As a country that has protected itself from colonial occupation, Ethiopia was able to participate in the formation as well as operation of various regional and international organizations. Accordingly, it has effectively involved in the formation of the United Nations, African Union as well as the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD).
In all the organizations, it has been making fruitful participation that takes into consideration mutual benefits with all the members. By scoring a rapid and continuous economic development, it has also become the economic powerhouse of the region. This economic growth of the country can be a strength not only for the country itself but also all the nations in the region provided the countries integrate themselves.
In terms of peace and security of the region, Ethiopia has contributed a lot to maintain the stability of the region by safeguarding both the internal situation as well as that of the region. As a result, by enjoying the trust of neighboring countries it has developed the sense of cooperation between and among the countries of the region.
This has been a long held political tradition of Ethiopia. But after the coming of Dr. Abiy Ahmed to power, the issue of integration and synergy has been given special attention both in the country as well as in the region. For example, he has successfully managed to resolve the decades old rift between Eritrea and Ethiopia there by bringing the two countries into strong cooperation.
In addition, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia have gone long step forward into signing tripartite agreements of higher value to the region. Prime Minister Abiy along with his Eritrea and Somalian counterparts has also done an exemplary job in pursuing the multilateral agreements that are vital in the integration of the region. Hence, the premier’s endeavor to run a soft power diplomacy in the region is right step and likely to lead the process of regional integration into success.
The Ethiopian Herald, March 30/2019