Abiy’s 365 days

Gender parity in leadership

ADDIS ABABA- One of the striking changes brought about in this country since Prime Miniseter Abiy Ahmed took office nearly a year ago is his quick and unprecedented move to ensure gender parity in his government leadership. Sooner than later, the premier has made 50 percent of his cabinet to be represented by female,setting an exemplary step to be replicated at all levels across the nation.

Ever since the last few years when the government of Ethiopia accorded due attention to women empowerment, women have come forward exercising power at different capacities to establish their own roles across, according to women engaged in gender based activities in Ethiopia. Different studies show that women are still under the historic dominance of their male counterparts; though the recent commitment to women empowerment is at good step.

Generally, the current situation of women participation in different issue can be taken as an indication of good women participation, says Matebie Tarekegn Director of Women, Children and Youth Affairs Directorate of Addis Ababa University. She told The Ethiopian Herald that, the beginning of empowering women in every aspect is important to foster women’s participation in economic, social and political issues of the country and keeping advantages equally with their male counterparts.

Saba Gebremedhin Network of Ethiopia Women Association (NEWA) Director said that, we believe this is a major achievement and something that needs to be celebrated. On the other hand such changes should also be exhibited at the middle and lower government decision making positions. Therefore, more discussion and bringing the agenda to the attention of the government are still needed.

We also need to engage in the upcoming national election so that we will have more women in the next parliament. Danish Minister for Development Cooperation Ulla Tornaes said that, “I reflect up on the last three days that I have spent here in Ethiopia, what strikes me most is the potential and will power of the women I have met.” The government has taken will shape the future of Ethiopia,” She said.

Letty Chiwera, UN Women Representative to Ethiopia, AU and UNECA for her part told The Ethiopian Herald that the government of Ethiopia is committed to achieve gender equality and eliminating violence against women and girls. The government has also realized gender parity in cabinet and nominated Sahlework Zewde as the first woman President, female President of Supreme Court and Chairperson of the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE).

Chiwera says that, we have a long way to eliminate violence against women and girls. Although Ethiopia has achieved considerable growth in bridging gender gaps and strengthening women’s empowerment, significant challenges remain. From among the challenges, discriminatory attitudes and behaviors toward women prevail, and violence remains a threat to women’s mental, physical and emotional wellbeing and empowerment and it needs an improvement.

There has been improvement in the number of women attaining leadership positions notably in the legislative branch and the decision-making wing. Where, due to the reforms introduced by Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed, women currently occupy half of the positions in the country’s cabinet. She added that, we need to work and practice Dr. Abiy’s policy of 50-50 momentum for better participation of women participation in politics.

Louise Chamberlain UNDP Resident Representative for her part said that, the country has also taken another step toward gender parity by appointing the country’s first female president. However, the gender parity in other decision making position in the executive branch, federal, regional and local level remains low. The level of executive representation and the capacity of women leaders to influence decision-making is an area that lack clear evidence.

The Ethiopian Herald, March 30/2019


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