Curbing unemployment through manufacturing

The government has been using all the efforts to eradicate poverty and backwardness throughout the nation. In the previous years, from micro to mega projects have been set up and implemented based on the development priorities, policies and strategies drafted.

Currently, many developmental works are being ongoing to change poverty to literature by enhancing the prosperity of the nation. And this is forwarding the nation to join middle-income countries within the planned period.

Small and medium manufacturing industry development sector is the major one that is given special attention by the government. The long term plan is under way to make these manufacturing industries export based and broaden industries

 those use large labor power. And therefore, creating cooperation with large industries involves the creation of strong local manufacturers.

Manufacturing industry plays vital role in: creating job opportunity and increasing income; increasing foreign currency by replacing import; enabling the nation to innovate and expand new technologies.

In this case, “Federal Small and Medium Manufacturing Industries Authority” has re-established and started functioning to have the capacity to implement the government’s strategic policy of industries in energetic, accurate and effective way by treating political, economic and social issues.

Working to expand and develop industries those are engaged in small and medium manufacturing processes is one of the major missions of the authority. For this key role, the authority is identifying the challenges through quality of product and production improvements and solving these problems.

The government is also adding efforts to find solutions to the major challenges of the sector such as attitude, manufacturing area, machinery supply, finance and other related challenges. To fulfill the demand of manufacturers’ working areas, the government is working on the expansion of industry and agro-industry parks, manufacturing centers; strengthening financial sectors; supplying technology and skills training.

According to the industrial development strategy, to improve the manufacturing sector’s economical roles and enhancing local manufacturers’ capacity, are the government is working with all its efforts more than ever.

The other critical point is also promoting the importance of the sector in poverty reduction in addition to attract local and international consumers. Successful farmers and pastoralists as well as entrepreneurs and new graduates are being introduced to the sector.

Likewise, micro and medium business owners are also encouraged to join the manufacturing sector. The business owners working on trade, service and construction as well as the diaspora are also being encouraged to join the manufacturing industry sector.

Similarly, students are being trained to be able to implement their creativity through practical participation to become manufactures after graduation.

To facilitate the manufacturing sector, the government has decided to give supports to the investors. It does the feasibility study; it gives capacity building trainings with technological supports, provides production area and industrial inputs with financial assistances. It also facilitates market networking.

By the same token, it implements the investment motivational package to encourage the manufacturing industry according to the investment proclamation which states that the manufacturers have tax exemption with duty free capital and construction materials, to mention few. These all are few of the motivational package contents.

Therefore, if all unemployed individuals commit themselves to manufacturing and use the government’s motivational package, poverty could be easily made literature. (Addis Zemen-Daily Amharic)

Herald March 29/2019


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