Diplomatic engagements paying off: Premier

Says strict on rule of law

ADDIS ABABA– Diplomatic activities carried out since Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed took office have brought tangible results in improving the image of the country that was tarnished due to poor human rights records.

In a press briefing the Office of Prime the Prime Minister organized yesterday, the premier stressed that the achievements have brought the country back from the brink of total collapse.

He said when his administration took office nearly a year ago; the country was unable to cover wages of public servants amounts to 20 billion Birr while it was tough to repay foreign debt. He also indicated the government was expected to repay a 400-billion Birr foreign debt annually. The premier also mentioned the stark challenge to get loans as the country is enlisted in high risk of debt distress.

Due to the grand decisions the new administration has taken in opening up the democratic sphere, international financers and partner countries have lent their hands to save the nation from the quagmire of financial collapse. “We have brought a 3-billion USD additional finance.”

Ethiopia has also secured grants from the US in the wake of financial aid cuts on other African countries, according to him.

The government also achieved in altering previous commercial loans to concessional ones, he added.

Asked about the Ethio-Eritrean agreements signed in Asmara and Jeddah, he said the two countries inked same comprehensive agreements in both places. Further agreements will be signed in the future following the completions of studies being done by various ministerial commissions.

So far, the two governments taken measures that received both national and international accolade in terms of enhancing the people to people ties of the sisterly nations, he hinted.

Also, the ties between and among countries in the East Africa have improved greatly, he said, noting that Ethiopia contributed its share in this regard.


The Ethiopian diaspora particularly in the western hemisphere was highly polarized. The

visit the Ethiopian delegation led by the premier broke this daunting tradition. The community can now work on common agenda of the country. One of the tasks the diaspora community has been engaged is contributing a dollar a day. In this regard the premier urged the community to fulfill their commitment unflinchingly.

Rule of law

Some people may feel that the government is complacent in ensuring rule of law. Unlike the past traditions of mass imprisonment, killing and torture, the new administration has taken a new path. People can express their views on various issues. Being critical of the government should not be considered a crime.

However, the government has been taking legal measures to safeguard the rule of law. The government aborted the organized violence which was perpetrated by with the involvement of around 30, 000 armed personnel in Ethiopia Somalia State. Close to 47 individuals who orchestrated the outrage in Somali state have been brought to justice.

Similarly, the government has charged 108 people that involved in Burayu, a town in Oromia State Surrounding Finnfine, and 68 people that participated in violence in Addis Ababa, among others.

Two people that involved in Shashamane town incident sentenced with life imprisonment.

Herald March 29/2019


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