Ineffective organizational structure and information flow challenging construction quality

ADDIS ABABA – Construction Works Regulatory Authority said that poor and ineffective organizational structure and information flow have been posing a challenge in ensuring quality in the construction sector.

Sisay Worku, Director of Communication at the Authority told The Ethiopian Herald that despite the growing role of the construction sector in the economy, skilled manpower and input material constraints have also been the other factors compromising quality. To change the situation, the government is restructuring the sector, and updating the information system to meet standard quality, he added.

The plan is to prevent these challenges by reorganizing the structure of the sector, avoiding unnecessary interference of concerned bodies, extending academic training for continuous professional developments and limiting the power of federal and state entities. The newly established Authority is expected to carry out this task, Sisay said. As to him, connecting profession and professionals is mandatory for the sector.

“Interdisciplinarily trained manpower is vital to properly plan, implement and manage the construction sector.” In this regard, the Director continued, proper use of the existing staff and the training of new professionals is very essential. The government must strengthen local training institution by the provision of enough facilities and additional trainers whilst taking into account the changing technologies of the construction industry.

Moreover, he noted that professional and technical training opportunities at Ethiopia and abroad must be widened and made available to all. While this increases the level of technology, the existing curricula in technology and professional education must be reviewed, upgraded, monitored and coordinated.

“Previously, Construction and Urban Development Ministry was performing mere capacity building and regulation works, but now the tasks are separated for various institutions; for instance, the regulatory task is given for us.” Now, the Authority is set to improve legal frameworks for constraints, draft and identify timely regulatory issues, and design strategic plans that would gear the sector to meet quality requirements, Sisay added.

The Ethiopian Herald, March 28/2019


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