Indomitable spirit

There are some unfortunate incidents that make people shiver when their names are called owing to their disastrous and devastative consequences. In this regard, war is in the forefront.

Ethiopia, in the course of its history, had gone through number of conflicts. Particularly, following its external enemies that sought to invade its national sovereignty, annex its territorial integrities and disrupt its people peace and security, was compelled to enter into war unwillingly. The Battle of Adwa that Ethiopians gained a glimmering victory against the invader Italian Fascist Forces and ignited sense of dignity for black people everywhere in Africa as well as the Ogaden War that was carried out between the Ethiopia and Somali are the best showcases in this regard.

Thanks to our fathers and forefathers who fought and protected the country by their blood and sweat, Ethiopia is still gleaming victoriously.

Unfortunately, the incidences of war have not gone far from us yet. Even at this time, the country has entered into existential warfare for the confrontation incited by its internal enemy, the terrorist TPLF faction that had been plundering the country for decades.

In point of fact, we, Ethiopians do not want to enter into war as we know well the cost it incurred plus its harsh consequences as we had been through because of the war that occurred at different times and situations.

In a recent platform organized to discuss the current situation the country is in, Dagnachew Assefa (Ph.D) said that there are number of lessons that we can learn from any war. “Though we may have plenty of ideas regarding the shortcomings of war on any nation, on the other part of the truth, war has things to teach.”

Through war, we remember our beloved ones who were the victims of the conflict. There are people who lost their fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters. Some may lose their nearest and dearest ones. There are also people who lost their properties, houses, business, even snatched their dreams.

Because of the war, people experience psychological pain and develop scars that would not be erased or forgotten easily. In simple words, the war is the one that reminds us our lost pieces. So, war reminds us all the costs we paid and the things we lost. It also holds us back from our bad decisions by reminding our past wounds- the people we lose, and other similar calamities.

Dagnachew added that war is also an educator. Most of the time, we learn from our flaws.

Supporting this idea, Muhaze Tibebat Deacon Daniel Kibret also shared his experience at this same venue.

As to him, he had travelled to Libya after the war, and he had a chance to talk to people about the war in Libya. The people, whom they had a short stay with Daniel always regretted for all the undesirable consequences that came to happen in that war.

Almost all of the citizens lost their beloved and closest ones, properties, and their country and uttered how war is destructive and at the same time an incident that teaches the wrong decision we made before the war; it also punishes us with regret.

Dagnachew also remarked that when there is a war, there are two different sides: the physical and psychological war. When the current war which we are involved ends up, which is the physical one, we, Ethiopians along with the National Defense Forces must win the psychological war and must not act like the ones on the other side.

Deacon Daniel also highlighted that this war has pulled all Ethiopians together for the unity of the nation. Previously, especially in the past two three years, things in the country had been different from now and it was challenging for the people of Ethiopia to move to other areas and work in any corner of the country.

Due to other reasons, people reserved themselves in their own regions and do not want to work or invest in any other part of the country. However, currently, Ethiopian people from all walks of life have come together as one to defend their country, leaving behind their differences.

Daniel added that some people thought as if Ethiopians are divided following the seeds of detestation, hostility and enmity that the terrorist enterprise sowed among Ethiopians for the past close to three decades while it was in power.

However, faction’s evil idea could not develop to a very great depth and ripe the desired outcome in the hearts of the people, especially among the youths.

A simple example to this is that when the Government of Ethiopia urged Ethiopians to stand together, take part in the Existential Campaign and thwart the remnants of the terrorist TPLF, citizens from every corner of the country fled to the warfront immediately and confidently to give their lives for their motherland. In fact, for Ethiopians, prioritizing the matter of nation’s peace and security and sacrificing their lives patriotically for its territorial integrity, this is not a new practice; but it is an act that had been before and Ethiopians are known for their indomitable spirits.

“We cannot make this happen in university dialogues or on discussion panels, but this war has shown the whole world that this generation is the sons and daughters of their forefathers.”

What is more, the war has depicted how the evil seed sowed on the generation for almost three decades turned unfruitful.

Foreign Affairs State Minister Redwan Hussien also said that for many developed countries, war is an industry. They benefited much when countries are soaked with blood. But in many ways, the people of Ethiopia have shown the world that there will not be any hindrances that cannot be beaten if it is about Ethiopia.

There are times and cases that something which is bad and dangerous turns out to be good. The current war in which Ethiopia has entered unwillingly has made its people, both living at home and abroad, stand together committedly irrespective of any differences; and protect the historic motherland.


The Ethiopian Herald  28 August 2021

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