ODP reaffirms commitment to continue reform measures

ADDIS ABABA – The Oromo Democratic Party (ODP) has celebrated its 29th year anniversary on Tuesday. Party Chair and Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed (Ph.D.) vowed ODP will work with the rest of Ethiopians to ensure continuity of reform measures that have been taking place in the country since he took over office nearly a year ago.

ODP, as a party, has also issued a statement regarding the occasion of the 29th anniversary of the party. “In the past years, the party has undertaken profound work so as to defend political, economic and social rights, and to attain the objectives for which Oromo people and Oromo freedom fighters fought, “said the party.

The party also said that efforts by what it called political merchants who are working to sabotage and obstruct “hope for change” is reversed, and ODP and the government that the party is leading has managed to ensure dependable peace both in the region and the country.

The party also said that it will come up with “research-based” policy response to address demands raised by Oromo people and people in the rest of the country in the order of priorities.

The Ethiopian Herald, March 28/2019

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