Capitalizing on the untapped tourism potential

Ethiopia is a country with abundant natural and manmade tourist destinations. However, the number of international tourists’ inflow to the country is still below the expected rate. Since the country took the leading position in Africa with the number of ancient cultural and natural heritages registered by UNESCO, sector’s professionals believe that it has to generate more income by attracting huge number of tourists worldwide.

The country is endowed with incredible attractions. Endemic wild animals [Walia Ibex, Red Fox, Chilada Baboon], pleasant climate, welcoming topography, sumptuous air transport [Ethiopian], among others are the real assets of the country that makes it a preferable tourists’ destination in the world. This year’s World Tourism Day was marked on September 17, 2018. The day was marked under a theme “Tourism and the digital transformation”.

And it was marked at a national level in Gambella town. During the celebration the idea of utilizing the digital technology in the tourism sector was lauded as bedrock to promote nation’s tourism sector. Thus, the application of the new media in the sector has shown a remarkable contribution in transforming the untapped Ethiopia’s tourism potentials.

Ministry of Culture and Tourism Public and International Relations Director Gezahagn Abate told The Ethiopian Herald that following the application of digital technology in the sector various changes have been witnessed in all directions. Primarily, it has proved that utilizing digital technology in the tourism sector is playing a central role to easing tourists’ travel. Secondly, transforming each tasks into digital system enhances the documentation of concrete and approved information in the sector, he said.

“Within the past six months, 380, 376 tourists have visited the country and over 1.4 billion USD is generated.” The tourists’ inflow is growing from time to time with a promising rate, following the improvements in tourism and travel-related services, relative peace and stability and standardized hospitality sector services, he added.

And tourist service provider organizations are witnessing this progress as the number of international tourists throughout the country at different tourist destinations is increasing significantly, he underlined. Not only this, the prevailing relative peace and trustworthy political reforms have changed the mind and perceptions of the international community about the country. Currently, tourists are showing greater interest to visit the country even better than ever, he emphasized.

According to him, intensifying hotel investment, promoting excellence in tour operators and motivating private investors to invest freely in the sector are important actions to advance the sector’s contribution to the national economy. Currently, plus to 560 legal tour operators are actively engaged in facilitating tourists’ stay in the country.

Out of this, some are run with a form of association while others operate at an individual level, he noted. Among these, there are noticeable tour operators that are contributing in supporting increasing tourists’ inflow to the country through providing world class services. Thus, the role of standardized tour operators is significant in promoting the country’s competitiveness in international tourism market. International tour operators are also working with the Ministry after signing an agreement to run in accordance to the set policies and regulations.

Thus, the international tour operators are helping local tour operators massively in experience and knowledge exchange to flourish the tourism sector. As to him, privatization of the sector facilities service provision which is fundamental to realize sector objectives along with meeting tourists’ expectation for quality services competitive with the international standard.

Expansion of tourism infrastructures [road, telecom and electric power, sanitation and hotel rooms], appropriate tourism promotional materials, creating smart tourist destinations, relative peace and stability, among others are the key factors on the way to generating more from the tourism sector. Tourist services run with the full intervention of private companies is better than that of the government owned tourist service providers, he said.

Explore Ethiopia Travel and Tours PLC Owner Fikresilassie Admasu told The Ethiopian Herald that he has been working for the past 25 years in the sector. During those years, the no war no peace situation of the Ethiopia and Eritrean was the hardest time for him and his business as the diplomatic community warned their respective citizens not to travel beyond 100 kilo meters radius out of Addis Ababa. The State of Emergency period during the reign of Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn was also the other challenge that marked its black shade on the overall national tourism revenue.

“However, currently things are changed and the situation has become a history in which my business is flourishing. Following, the lift of the State of Emergency a good environment is created for the tourism sector. Especially, this year is the safest period in the Ethiopian tourism since I joined the sector.” Tourism is a peaceful industry. There is no tourism in the presence of war. Thus, after the peace deal between Ethiopia and Eritrea, a tangible progress has been seen in country’s tourism.

But, more marketing and promotions works are required to fully tap the diversified tourism potential of the country, he recommends. The integrated work among the Ministry, Tourism Ethiopia, Tour Operators and every stakeholders is fundamental to scale up the current national tourism sector performance to high level. Flexible tourist services, swift procedures at destinations, integrated and free movement among sector’s practitioners should be realized for a successful tourism, he reiterated.

Currently, tourists worldwide prefer online information about major tourist destinations on the globe and sector’s services: flight, hotel, excursions available online. Because it is simple to overcome fear regarding insecurity issues and motivate tourists to discover famed attraction sites on the internet. The application of digital technology in the tourism sector also reduces financial costs and time and it is easy to address the global public at a time.

In Ethiopia, the trend of introducing new tourist sites and promoting the well known attractions is insufficient when compared to countries doing promotional works on social media successfully. Thus, further engagements of pertinent stakeholders and every citizen is needed to tap the maximum from the vast tourism blessings.

The Ethiopian Herald, March 27/2019


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