It is a common understanding that realizing sustainable development without peace is unthinkable, and imagining peace without sustainable development is inconceivable. In other words, the two go hand-in-hand, and create a bond of perfectness. The nexus between peace and development is also direct and too tight. Maintaining peace will retain development.
In peace, human rights will not be violated and economic growth would not be stalled. On the other way, in the absence of peace, the day to day functioning of citizens’ would be impaired and lie at risk. Ethiopia over the past twelve months, since Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed came to power in last April, has been working with unequivocal commitment to sustain peace and security and strengthen integration within the country and countries of the Horn.
The peace accords made between Ethiopia and Eritrea, Eritrea and Djibouti, Kenya and Somalia as well as pacts among Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia are the best instances which reflect the country’s dedication in this regard. Not only this, but the bilateral discussion held with neighboring countries beyond the region are also the other manifestations of country’s keenness and the Premier’s dedication to pacifying the region.
In consequence, significant achievements are registered. The success apart from lauded by the international community and grabbing their attention, the country is taken as a model for many of the countries. Along the same line, the nation under the leadership of the reformist Prime Minister has made a number of radical decisions at home with the aim to sustain democratic governance and inclusive growth, thereby ensure peace throughout the country.
However, behind the achievements gained so far, adverse acts aimed at stirring violence with the potential to unravel the very fabric of societal peace, impede the country’s overall progress and blur the success of the country are instigated here and there by some anti-peace elements. And in the absence of peace, it is not only difficult, but impossible to talk and bring about inclusive economic development, which is the priority of any society, and what our people is waiting for.
It can deprive the country opportunities for development and growth Thus, to sustain the ongoing reforms and ensure peace, stability and long-term development, respecting the rule of law is the most important recipe and core area to focus on.
The government should be committed to bring about inclusive peace, while every Ethiopians from all strata of the society need to play a crucial role in helping shape a lasting peace. After all, lack of inclusive peace will undermine the progress the country has made; and the country has come a long way
The Ethiopian Herald, March 27/2019