Addis Ababa: A conference tourism beacon


It is familiar to hear expatriates in Addis Ababa and across Ethiopia saying “we feel at home”. The very friendliness, politeness, approa- chability, and cooperative and trust worthy nature of the indigenous along with the sumptuous climate condition are among the frequently mentioned reasons.

Far beyond that, the sense of ease tourists feel when walking 24/7 on the streets of Addis without any fear for their personal wellbeing is another factor that adds to the city’s aura of feeling at home.

Many have been heard calling the country, and the capital city, in particular, as their second home. The father of South Africa Nelson Mandela once said; “I prefer traveling to Ethiopia more than any other country”. It is obvious that there is something special that they feel about Ethiopia.

Ethiopia is home of diversities, with over 80 Nations, nationalities and peoples with incredible hospitality, cultural assets and traditional manife- stations.
Besides, the country is endowed with breathtaking natural wonders, rigorous topography ranging from the world’s lowest point, Dalol, to the highest peak of Ras Dashen at 4620 meters – which makes it land of extremes.

It is also home to dense forest in the South, along with endemic animals like, Walia Ibex, Chelada Baboon, Red Fox and eye-catching specious of birds.
The country was one of the ancient civilizations, where the footprint is currently witnessed at the UNESCO registered Rock Hewn Churches of Lalibela, Axum Obelisks, and Gondar Fasiledes Castles.

The aforementioned and other natural and man-made wonders make the country the leading country in Africa for registering more cultural heritage on UNESCO’s list. Thus, taking this into account, hosting international conferences in the capital and other regional towns means a lot, experts on culture and tourism told The Ethiopian Herald.

Currently, different publications disclose that Addis Ababa, the third diplomatic city in the world, is hosting diverse continental and international social, political, economic, sport as well as cultural and entertainment conferences and business to business (B2B) sessions.
The capital, to keep the momentum, seeks steady enhancements ahead which will make it competitive and preferable conference, leisure, business and cultural tourism destination.

Gezahegn Abate, Public and International Relations Director at Ministry of Culture and Tourism said that the country priority to integrate with neighboring countries will in turn boost its acceptance in the diplomatic arena. Hosting such international conferences is expected to be an impetus for acceptance and, in parallel to boosting the national economy, since it generates more foreign exchange and income, he added.

“Conference tourism plays pivotal role in image building beyond generating huge direct and indirect income. Therefore, utilizing this powerful tool for socio-economic prosperity is in the hands of Ethiopia.”

As to him, reliable and strong diplomatic acceptance, sustainable peace, inviting hospitality, world class air and road transport, luxurious [five stars] hotels and swift ICT services are the fundamental preconditions to win hosting international conferences bid successively.
“Addis Ababa is always in the eyes of a number of international event organizers. Successful hosting of prior international conferences is the prime reason for that. The nation’s diplomatic ties, and credibility in hosting international conferences effectively has received worldwide recognition.”

In recent memories, Addis Ababa has successfully hosted the International Conference on Cancer, consecutive Africa Hotel Investment Forums, the third International Conference on Financing for Development, the fifth International Federalism conference, and many others.
Over 10,000 conference participants visit Ethiopia monthly, a source from the Ministry indicates.

Gezahagn lauds the importance of hosting such international conferences. “Encouraging local businesses, offering new markets for cultural and souvenir shops, exchanging international knowledge and experiences in every affair and finally enhancing the country’s socio-economic competitiveness and contribution in the global community are the major positive outcomes.”

Ethiopian traditional coffee ceremony, the Great Ethiopian Run, annual religious festivals such as; the Ethiopian epiphany ‘Timket’, and commemoration of the finding of the True Cross ‘Demera’, and other major events are becoming the newly tourist favorite attractions.

Ethiopia has still huge potential to generate considerable income from conference tourism, though it has not yet fully utilized it, he noted.

Currently, the Ministry is aggressively working on revamping renowned tourist destination sites, promoting new destinations and encouraging investment in the sector nationwide.
Addis Ababa City Administration Culture and Tourism Bureau Communication Director Worku Mengesha, for his part, said that the City is naturally endowed with comfy environment and climate, which makes it internationally preferable conference and leisure tourism destination. The city hosts over 118 foreign countries embassies, he added.
Currently, the city administration has finalized preparations to fully tap its conference tourism potential, he said.

“New internationally standardized conference center, which is expected to attract global conferences, is under construction.”
As to him, the city has not yet fully utilized from the sector due to the absence of modern international conference center and weak promotion.

He said that Addis Ababa and its environs are rich in ancient and historical tourist attractions that motivate conference organizers to give the opportunity to the city, adding that, the due priority given by the new government of Ethiopia to re-brand the country should invest more in the tourism sector.

The recently launched Entoto Mountain and Surrounding Tourist Development Project, which is being carried out by the City’s Administration at the outskirt of Addis is going well, he said.
Upon termination, the Project is a huge opportunity for conference participants and tourists since it includes diversified tourist attractions like; Nations, Nationalities and Peoples representation camp, athletics camp, wildlife zoo, a tower at the head of Entoto Mountain to view the whole city, among others.

The windy and historical Entoto Mountain, the Ethiopian National Museum [home of Lucy], the cultural night clubs that reflect the real Ethiopia, 13 sub museums, Emperor Menilik II Palace at Entoto Mountain, are some of natural and man-made heritages visitors can pay visit to see here in the capital.

Currently, the country is finalizing preparations to undertake huge tourism promotion via prominent mainstream media such as CNN and Aljazeera, he said.
The experts concluded that, prioritizing Addis for international conferences is the right choice, either be it continental or global, for the aforementioned and other rationales.

Herald December 8/2018


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