Nation nurturing culture of tolerance, peaceful co-existence

•Ambassadors wish Ethiopians happy NNPD

ADDIS ABABA — For the 13 nation, nationalities and peoples’ day (NNPD) celebrations, Ambassadors of different countries congratulate the government and peoples of Ethiopia, where more than 80 ethnics live together in harmony, and their culture of tolerance and peaceful coexistence can be taken as exemplary for the horn of Africa and yonder.
European Union Ambassador Johan Borgstam tells The Ethiopian Herald that the European Union wishes to congratulate Ethiopia for celebrating Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Day on 8 December 2018.
Ethiopia, just like Europe, is a mosaic of rich cultures and peoples who have lived together for centuries,Ambassador Johan praises.
“European history has taught us that the best way forward for peace, prosperity and development is to embrace the “unity in diversity” and to learn from past conflicts in order to build a culture of peaceful co-existence and tolerance while respecting the diversity of cultural and linguistic backgrounds.”
“We stand ready to support Ethiopia in this journey towards peace and reconciliation among all Nations, Nationalities and Peoples through European Union-Ethiopia strategic engagement and our development cooperation,”Ambassador Johan conveys.
Likely, the Netherlands Ambassador Bengt van Loosdrecht expresses that the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands wishes all Ethiopians a happy and peaceful Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Day.
The Netherlands is fortunate to enjoy many relations with Ethiopia and stands ready to support the country in strengthening peace, prosperity, democracy, rule of law and human rights for all its citizens,Ambassador Bengt conveys his message.
South Sudan Ambassador to Ethiopia, James Pitia Morgan for his part wishes, on behalf of the South Sudan government and peoples, “the wonderful celebrations of the nations and nationalities day for our sisters and brothers of the Ethiopian peoples.

Ethiopia is the home of different nations and nationality. As enshrined in the constitution,the nations and nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia live together in harmony,he adds.
“We also follow the footsteps of Ethiopia, where peaceful co-existence among the Ethiopian nations and nationalities has been revealed for long,” Ambassador James evokes.
Ambassador of Djibouti to Ethiopia, Mohammed Idriss Farah, also says Ethiopia is the country which has more than 80 ethnic nations and nationalities living together peacefully and tolerated each other, which can be taken as exemplary role for the horn of Africa, Ambassador tells.
The celebration takes place yearly in different regions on round basis;it is a manifestation for the effort to nurture the culture of tolerance and peaceful coexistence in the country, Ambassador Mohammed noted.
“I would like to say congratulations on behalf of government and peoples of Djibouti for our brothers and sisters of the nations and nationalities of Ethiopia.”
U.S. Ambassador to Ethiopia Michael Raynor says this year’s Ethiopia’s Nation and Nationalities’ Day is being celebrated at a moment of tremendous opportunity and hope for Ethiopians and their country.
“As Ethiopia moves forward with its inspiring agenda of political and economic reforms, the process needs the support of all Ethiopians to fully succeed. Nations and Nationalities Day gives Ethiopians an important opportunity to celebrate their country’s amazing cultural diversity.”
“But even more important, it gives Ethiopians a chance to recognize that what unites them as a people, and a country, is far stronger than what would divide them, and that all countries are stronger when they celebrate their diversity within a broader context of unity.”

Herald December 8/2018


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