Integrated construction road map for urban development

One of the manifestations of Ethiopia’s economic development is the rapid urbanization. Though a lot of task remains ahead, the expansion in infrastructure like roads, electricity, water supply and social service facilities have contributed to the development of urban areas so far.

The development of urban areas deems necessary the existence of adequate and capable construction sector. The demand for quality and durable urban facilities like housing and roads can be satisfied through the development of capable construction sector actors.

Although Ethiopia has more than 200 towns and two city administrations that have administer over 10,000 residents, it is difficult to say the houses are built based on the construction standard as defined in the country’s urbanization strategy.

Currently, these towns and cities have built low quality houses due to a number of reasons. Of these, lack of skilled work force, inadequate construction materials or inputs, budget deficit among others. In order to solve such problems, stakeholders need to work collaboratively and engage on the implementation of the new roadmap, which helps to realize effective and sustainable construction development in the country.

Deputy Director at Construction Project Management Institute Dr. Aragaw Asha told The Ethiopian Herald that the major objective of the sector’s collaboration is to solve the construction problems through the cooperation of pertinent stakeholders.

Particularly, creating strong linkage between industries and universities has manifold significance for the growth of the construction sector that ensures quality construction and comfortable living environment in the country. To make this happen, universities must play decisive role in conducting researches and advancing technologies in the construction sector.

On the other hand, the constructions often collapse due to poor quality construction materials, lack of skilled work force and the like. In this case, due to the high cost of imported construction materials, Ethiopia has spent more than 160 billion birr annually.

The ten-year construction roadmap will have decisive role in substituting homegrown construction materials instead of imported ones. To realize this, universities must also play significant role in conducting consultancy works to achieve the intended goals. The roadmap also highlights that the trainers need to practice theoretical lessons at the ground. In doing so, this will play crucial role in bringing quality construction development in the country.

Senior Expert on Technology Translation at Ethiopian Construction Project Management Institute Fanuel Negussie on his part said that the main purpose of the joint sectors is to realize quality and modernized construction industry in Ethiopia. Apart from solving societal problems, the government should able to save resources and human power to efficiently strengthen the sector with adequate capacity.

Many Universities have so far conducted a number of researches, but most of them are put in shelves for many years. This is because, the researchers are not effectively conducted on problems observed in the actual construction sector, Fanuel said.

As to Fanuel, a project can be effectively completed, when the three pillars such as time, coast, and quality should be fulfilled. Apart from these, lack of skilled work force and the presence of irresponsible management in the sector are also considered as serious factors that would hinder to implement the construction roadmap throughout the country, he added.

The institute has carried out annual discussion with stockholders during the past four years to solve construction and related problems, he stated.

In this fiscal year, the institute has recently held the fourth discussion on the implementation of the roadmap with experts drawn from higher educational institutes and industrial sectors. The discussion forum is unique from the past three years since the roadmap is directly being implemented and many stakeholders ratified the roadmap with common understanding.

Haimanot Wondimu, Chairman of Contractors and Members of Construction Profession Association at North Shewa Zone, participated in the discussion for the first time.

Since it was established three years ago, his Association has 107 members and devoted to solve problems in relation with the construction profession.

According to Haimanot, members desired to work with Debre Brehan University and North Shewa zonal administration, in that they would able to get access legal status for their association.

Particularly, safeguarding the professional ethics is essential to solve related problems, other than keeping the rule and regulation of the Association.

In sum, the association, working with Debre Berhan University, has given awareness creation trainings for members, contractors, and owners of buildings to contribute quality construction in the country. All stakeholders are currently conducting researches on various construction projects, which will have significant role to solve the fundamental problems of the construction sector.

The Ethiopian Herald March 23/2019


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