It is Ethiopia, not a party that won


Ethiopia has successfully accomplished the sixth National General Election. Despite the negative prediction and destructive attempts of anti-peace elements (both internal and external) to jeopardize the election process, it has gone effectively and successfully. Despite the fear of some pessimists and ill calculated will of some political analysts, all the election process and result has gone smoothly.

Ethiopia had been through lots of ups and downs within the past few years. This is especially true after the TPLF junta led EPRDF totally replaced by the reformist Prosperity Party. Since the past three years, several ill attempts have been carried out by members of the Junta to regain power by force and the intervention of Westerners had its own impact on the peace process.

Using several pretexts, anti-peace-elements have tried to tilt the political map of the nation into their own advantage. This includes holding regional election without the will and the permission of the National Election Board of Ethiopia, instigating mass killings and circulating baseless propaganda. Using the internal instability, terrorists have attempted several times to take advantages of the election process and buy the voice of the public. Unluckily, the public has turned its face on them and they have become the prey of their own wickedness. This is especially true for the terrorist group of that junta that put the life of innocent people into danger.

Ethiopia has conducted several elections. However, they were all sham election conducted for the sake of getting Westerners’ attention and aid. The true concept of democracy was out of their system. The concept of fair, free and credible election was totally unheeded in all the past five elections. This is due to the treachery nature of TPLF lead EPRDF party.

The recent General Election and public mobilization to vote, however, has witnessed how Ethiopians are strived for true democratization. Unlike the previous systems where individuals are forced to cast their ballot fearing for their life or property, this one has witnessed an absolute freedom where electorates were free from any external pressure.

Lately, the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia has announced the results. Based on this result, both supporters of the Prosperity Party and the competitive parties are showing their feeling in a positive and democratic manner. The manner the public reacted to the result is truly an indication of democratic maturity.

Lulit Wube, is a merchant here in the capital, Addis Ababa. For her, democracy is not simply a word. It means everything to individuals as well as groups. In a country like Ethiopia that had suffered in the hands of the tyranny TPLF system, democratic election is a God sent opportunity.

According to her, casting a voice into ballot with voice force (as it was previously) and casting voice into ballot with individual does will has a total difference. Unlike the previous elections where same individuals were preaching same propagandas, this one has come up with a new vision and new program that ensure electorates.

The sixth General Election has showen electorates the meaning of democracy, says Lulit. According to her, since the previous elections were full of deceitful and forcible, she had no any interest to participate in the process. However, this one has witnessed her true nature of election.

“The sixth General Election has come up with new national visions that convince electorates. For that reason, I did not hesitate to put my voice in the ballot. What is more, the participation of different visionary political parties has also aroused my interest to show my participation in the election process. This was not the case in the previous election. There was no alternative party we trust. That truly is the manifestation of tyranny system.”

Asked what she expected from the winning party, Lulit said, the sixth National Election is totally different from the previous ones. “For this particular reason, it is my expectation to see a new Ethiopia with a new path. I expect to see a prosperous Ethiopia that would be mentioned internationally as a model country. In this respect, the winning party has a responsibility to serve the people with integrity and passion. Individuals that represent the ruling party have to be ruled by both legal frameworks as well as moral values. At the same time, it is also the duty of the people to contribute share in the nation building process.”

Nebeyu Baye, is Addis Ababa University Assistant Professor and candidate for Prosperity Party. Assistant Prof. Nebeyu believes that the sixth General Election is different from the previous ones in different ways. Publics’ interest to participate in the election and the questions raised by them to political candidates is one special part he witnessed.

According to him, during the election campaign, he has witnessed people raising questions freely. He said: “our past experience with regarding to elections was saddening. It was where people were killed and houses were burnt because of fraud election results in previous election.”

However, the sixth General Election witnessed how fair it was and how the public is sure about election result. Pre-election and post-election periods are a living witness for this. The 6th election was peaceful and electorates had trust on competing parties and the Board that monitored the election process.

As it was indicated by the Office of the Prime Minister, the election and all its process are true manifestation of the New Ethiopia. The election process and the result have aroused happiness among Ethiopians. According to the Office, it is not a single party that won the election. It is Ethiopia and Ethiopians. In this regard, all individuals who represent the wining party have responsibility to meet the expectation of and serve the people who showed unreserved effort in the election process.

Asked what is expected from wining party, Assistant Professor Nebeyu said, electorates have already cast their voice and the result is announced. The next step is to serve the people in accordance with the promise made during the election campaign. Seconding the view of Office of Prime Minister, Assistant Professor, Nebeyu said, serving the people should be the prime agenda of the wining party. After all, it is not a party that won; it is Ethiopia. In this regard, the party is duty bound to serve every Ethiopian.


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