AWMA vows to pull more girls into the field mathematics

ADDIS ABABA–The African Women in Mathematics Association (AWMA) vowed to strive in scaling up women’s participation and contribution in the field of mathematics at a workshop held under the theme “Inviting girls to appreciate the field of mathematics” .

The workshop is organized by Addis Ababa University( AAU) Mathematics Department in collaboration with AWMA, Ministry of Innovation and Technology, The Ethiopian Herald learnt. Speaking at the workshop held here, Mathematics Department lecturer at AAU Dr. Yirgalem Tsegaye said that the workshop, first of its kind in Ethiopia, aims to attract more girls to join the fields of mathematics.

The local organizing committee, supported by AWMA has found it to be a good beginning to start with what is already available: inviting girls who are already good in mathematics. We let them compete for “The Queen of Mathematics” Award, she added. As to her, jointly with Addis Ababa Education Bureau, her Department, nominated five performer female students from grade 12 and five other best performers from grade 8 and one g one from each grads would be awarded.

“Hopefully, we will continue encouraging girls not only by picking the good ones but by creating many good ones too. We are completely determined and devoted to do so. The name of the two queens will be disclosed on the occasion”, she explained. The participants of the workshop include invited speakers, African women mathematicians, doctoral candidates, members of the universities faculty, school teachers and students.

The Ethiopian Herald, December 7/2018

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