Culture as a binding force at the dawn of Ethiopian prosperity


Culture is massive by its nature and it is beyond literatures we read at schools. Ethiopia is lucky in this regard. As a land of several nations, nationalities and peoples’ with their own unique cultures, Ethiopians knew the depth of the secret of life before the “Modern” world tells them through their literature. The issue of human right, women or children right or, the daily philosophy of human kind is embodied within the culture of Ethiopians. In this respect, as the nation moves towards prosperity and better future, capitalizing on cultural values needs no waiting.

There were times where internal and external forces attempting to use culture as instrument to disrupt the peace and stability of the nation. Using the cultural diversity of the society, there were times where individuals or groups conspiring to create differences and conflicts. They had been using linguistic difference or cultural identity as an instrument for their own advantages. This our recent experience where cultural diversity was diverted, manipulated and used as a weapon to promote “Divide and rule” principle though the attempt has aborted several times. Ethiopians have used their cultural difference to cement their unity rather than source of difference. Almost three weeks have passed since Ethiopians have conducted the 6th peaceful General Election that mobilized almost every corner of the society. Despite internal and external challenges, Ethiopians have expressed their true peace loving nature through the election. In spite of the attempt of enemies of Ethiopia, the election was conducted successfully and peacefully.

By doing so, Ethiopians have beaten the expectation of those who were aspiring the opposite and testified to the whole world who they are and how powerful their culture of tolerance is. The true identity of Ethiopians was reflected in the event. God fearing identity and tolerance were reflected on the event. Using culture as a binding force, the new Ethiopia has laid a foundation to change.

Obviously, Ethiopia and the concept of Ethiopianism is not something political leaders have created. It is an age-old identity and entity. Political leaders have come and go, but Ethiopia and Ethiopianism is still intact. Behind this Ethiopian sentiment, there is always a strong force-cultural unity at the center of diversity.

Culture and Ethiopia are the two sides of a single coin for every Ethiopian. No matter where Ethiopians live, their culture is their true identity. No matter what the whole world say about Ethiopia, its children never ashamed of it. They consider their true Ethiopian identity and culture as their extension blood type. Despite all their challenges, there was no times where Ethiopians compromise with their motherland. Behind this strong attachment there is still one important fact-Culture. This is visible among those Diaspora living in economically strong nations. No matter how great the economic progress of that particular nation is or how modern the country they live in is, Ethiopians are always attached to their true identity. They always are proud of Ethiopian culture. Culture is the true manifestation of any society, says Tibebu Bekele, Addis Ababa City Administration, Culture, Arts and Tourism Bureau Communication Acting Director. According to him, Ethiopians have diverse culture. This culture has never been a source of conflict. Rather, it has become the source of unity and togetherness. This has been reflected for centuries and it will also be the manifestation of the new Ethiopia identity.

“No matter how hard their situation is, Ethiopians have been using their cultural identity as a binding force. Addis Ababa, as a capital city of Ethiopia and African Union seat, is a true mosaic of culture. It is a place where different nations, nationalities are living in harmony.”

According to Tibebu, several activities are being carried out within the city to preserve the true identity of the nation. Since Addis Ababa is the melting pot of several cultures, the City Administration together with the Prime Minister Office is doing its level best in this regard. Using the different departments it has (culture, art and tourism); the Bureau together with concerned organs is excreting its energy to make Addis truly a melting pot of culture.

Concurrent to fighting harmful practices, the Bureau is working aggressively to preserve all cultural values that uphold the strong Ethiopian sentiment, narrow the gap among the society and unify the people for the good of the nation. “Culture for development is one of the mottos of the government. Despite all the untapped potential, Ethiopia did not properly use that opportunity for development. In this regard, works are being carried out to capitalize on our culture.” This activity will be further speed up within the coming years. The country is found at the dawn of Ethiopian renaissance. Despite all the challenges, the nation is moving forward. It has mobilized every resource it has got. From the mega project, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) to Green Legacy, Ethiopia has mobilized almost all its resources for the good of the people. Preserving and nurturing the value of the people is one of the core elements of the government. Using all available resource, the Bureau and other concerned agencies are doing their level best in this regard. This includes promoting and utilizing the cultural values of Ethiopia in a manner benefitting the communities.

As it was manifested recently at the Friendship Park in ‘Ethiopian Week’, Ethiopians have been enjoying their cultural differences and they were source of happiness to visitors. On the event, every state including Addis Ababa and Dire-Dawa city administrations were represented by their identity.

The cultural value of Afar is the culture of Ethiopia. The cultural values of the Somali, Amhara, Oromo, Tigreans or any other society are part and parcel of Ethiopia. For this particular reason, preserving cultural values of the society is preserving the great Ethiopian identity. The more Ethiopia exerts its resource on culture, the more it will use it for economic development and peace. What is more, the new generation can enjoy the true Ethiopian identity through it.


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