Diplomatic spouses to give bazaar tomorrow

ADDIS ABABA – Diplomatic Spouses Group in Addis Ababa will be holding bazaar tomorrow on the Premises of UNECA, Ambassador of Hellenic Republic Nicholios Patikias told The Ethiopian Herald.

The objective of the bazaar is meant to raise funds to charities while creating opportunity to promote the respective countries’ manufacturing products, culture and arts, he added. Mentioning that Greece Embassy in Ethiopia participated for third year in a row, the Ambassador went on saying that around 200 million Birr raised from similar bazaar last year had been funneled to charity organizations.

As Ethiopia is globally known for its best coffee, Greece is prominent for the best olive oil at a global level. Hence, we will be displaying our olive oil on the event in addition to herbal medicines.”

The Ethiopian Herald, December 7/2018

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