A new chapter in Ethiopian agriculture

Talegeta Leul is re-specialist researcher and principal scientist by profession. He has been getting himself fully involved in private research for more than three decades. More to the point, the researcher possesses a long-experience in new and self-motivated re-biology science and re-bio genetic engineering activities which step forward the lives of farmers after a short time.

Likewise, the re-specialist researcher has been getting himself engaged from top to bottom in innovative and enhanced agronomic techniques almost all his born days in addition to finding out better waterharvesting and reserving devices. Above and beyond, the researcher Talegeta Leul has brought into being genetically-automated seeds given that he possesses huge experience in innovation of Re-biology as well as Re-bio genetic engineering inventions.

 As Talegeta Leul is on familiar terms with the inside out of the farmers’ lives, he was inspired to come up with things which improve their lives for good and thus he has come up with a wide spectrum of new theories in re-biology, gene, land science, water, soil and other related aspects.

 As farmers lead a hand-to-mouth life over and over again, he was constantly busying himself how to get to the bottom of their problems and make them lead meaningful life. More often than not, the situation of their lives was coming in and out of his mind. As things were beyond his capacity, he was not able to come up with the exact solution which could change the lives of farmers in a little while.

 However, he did not sit down binding his hands and foot. Though farmers work day in and day out by the sweat of their brow, they were under the yoke of poverty and suffering from hunger from time to time. This being the case, he made up his mind to do something for the nation and change their lives.

“I am attaching significance to genetic treatment of crops as we feel like a fish out of water and the continuation of human species will be impossible and unthinkable in the absence of food. I was keeping my fingers crossed for more than three decades. Thanks to God, on the whole, I have innovated genetic research which could make food security surein the left, right and center of the country,” said Talegeta Leul.

He added, “When we embark on giving out seeds to farmers, farmers will be successful within the shortest time possible. For instance, it lessens additional operating cost of land preparation for the reason that rejuvenating crops will be harvested for longer period of time apart from making one’s surrounding greener.”

 Automated-Perennial crop seeds press forward the nutritional grade of the general public in addition to playing a part in safeguarding dietetic food taste and resolving hunger. While we are on the subject, automatedPerennial crop seeds are perennial and automated, drought resistance, have natural genetic structure, among others.

 As a matter of fact, after passing through many ups and downs, Talegeta Leul had sown the seeds of sorghum in Addis Ababa in association with the Ministry of Science and Technology with the purpose of giving out seeds to farmers living in every nook and cranny of the country.

At first when Talegeta Leul came up with the idea of sowing the seeds in Addis Ababa, nobody was in the position to lend ears. Everyone thought that the soil of Addis Ababa was not convenient for sorghum. In fact, as he knows the secret behind very well, he made an effort to convince them but in vain. In due course, he showed the sorghum for the sake of making the majority of Ethiopian farmers’ lives successful.

The products were astonishing ones. People were not able to believe their eyes in this regard. The yields were beyond belief. The Ministry of Science and Technology is always by his side. He is working hand-in-glove with the minster.

“We have collected enough harvest so that we can distribute the seeds of sorghum to farmers residing across the country in the near future. In this fashion, farmers’ lives will be changed with in the shortest time possible. By the way, the product farmers get out of this new seeds vary depending on the soil ecology of a wide-array of areas. For instance, in a suitable area farmers can get sorghum products seven times a year in addition to making households self-reliant on account of the unremitting harvest,” Talegeta highlighted.

He has been also doing researches on a wide spectrum of crops which can change the lives of farmers in a little while. He has been making an effort to make farmers’ lives successful in various types of crops bringing into play a range of mechanisms. What is more, he has been doing researches on barely, wheat, chickpeas and what not with the intention of making his dream become a reality.

 Fikadu Lemma is a deputy research manager. He said, “I have been successfully discharging my duties and responsibilities.We have been working in unison with the Ministry of Science and Technology and thus the whole thing is heading in the right direction at this point in time. In the near future, the seeds will be distributed to farmers living in various parts of the country through the Ministry of Science and Technology. We have been fruitfully carrying out our researches and achieving successful results in wheat, barley, chickpeas and other related crops.

He continued, “Talegeta Leul would like to do quite a lot of researches pertaining to a range of researches, which improve the lives of farmers in a short period of time. At this point in time, he is facing financial constraints. He really needs the support of the government and the general public. If the problems are solved he can improve the lives of quite a lot of Ethiopian farmers in a little while.

The Ethiopian Herald March 17, 2019


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