Newly inaugurated public spaces: Pearls of Addis


There is a saying in Gee`z, “Places will sanctify people; at the same time, people will sanctify places as well.” That means, the more we invest on natural environment, the more it will reward us. The more we let our energy on mother earth, the more we get a blessing out of it. Nature always rewards us when we keep protecting what we have. The more we negotiate with nature, the more we will get all the fruits of mother earth. The Entoto, Friendship, Unity and other parks as well as the recently refurbish and inaugurated Meskel Square in Addis are good examples to this.

According to Agegnehu Adane, Director of Allé School of Fine Arts and Design with the Addis Ababa University, the overall changes that are being witnessed in the City are the true indication of City Administration’s dedication to make the capital Addis Ababa truly new and hub of Nations Nationalities and Peoples’ of Ethiopia.

All the public spaces and riversides that have now become the source of recreation and pleasure were once valueless jungles, villages where pile of trashes and shanty houses dominated. However, through the dedication and commitment of the City Administration, these places has now dramatically changed and become centers of recreation with priceless aesthetic values. Parks that are currently opened for public use were once totally disgusting or abandoned “helpless” places. This includes the jungle within the National Palace that has now converted into a “Paradise”.

Villages and riversides that were once unappealing even to see or to cross have now totally converted into something attractive. Those pedestrians (especially on the streets along Churchill Avenue) have become suitable for pedestrians. The other miracle Addis enjoyed within this short period is the renovation of Meskel Square which is the center of Addis and place where various social, political, religious and other public concerts are conducted. As to Agegnehu, when cities are livable, they have a potential to attract both visitors and investors from different parts of the world.

All the parks are the pure outcome of the reform and the combined hands of visionary Ethiopians. Beside their priceless aesthetic values, the spaces have a significant role in attracting investors. They have social, cultural and economic significance to the nation. They are now places where people could enjoy, meditate and talk with themselves.”

Having these kind of public spaces have not only significant to the local people, but they have also a positive impact to the foreign visitors. The more people get an opportunity to talk with themselves, the more they will be creative and industrious. This, in turn, brings change not only to individuals, but to the nation as the whole. Having such kind of public spaces play key role in diffusing ideas and promoting culture among Ethiopians. What is more, the recreational places will further encourage people to develop a sense of belongingness and be committed to their city. What is more, the more the city became attractive and livable the more it attracts foreign investors. Livable cities attract investment. For this reason, all the parks and other developmental activities that are recently inaugurated in the city have not only social and cultural benefit, they also have significant role for the economy of the nation.

Whenever individuals get the opportunity to live in such neat and attractive environment, they tend to invest their skill and capital in that particular place. What is more, the efforts and commitments will enhance trust on the government and, encourages them to invest. For this reason, public parks are not only important for recreational purposes; they have key role for cultural and economic drives as well.

Such public parks have played key role for those economically strong nations have played significant role to nurture strong and morally responsible citizens. They have invested on their museums and galleries, recreation centers. By doing so, they have enabled to attract great number tourists from all over the world; and increased the revenue they generate from the sector.

If we ask ourselves, “How properly manage our untapped resources?” the answer would be, insignificant as we have just started it recently. However, it is an encouraging step. We need to capitalize more on that.

We have witnessed miracles within very short period of time. All the cultural spaces Ethiopia has developed within the past three years are valuable assets to the coming generation. This is also a good sign that we should exert more capital on that.

“I think Ethiopia has now got the key to unlock the door towards cultural investment. Development is not always about focusing on what is tangible. Intangible resources are also our wealth. The more we invest on what is intangible wealth, the more we can get benefit out of the tangible ones.”

The effort of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and City Administration is encouraging. Despite all the unreasonable criticism, the Prime Minister and City administration have persistently kept on investing and visible results are witnessed. The cultural sector is our untapped resource for prosperity and change. Therefore, investing on public spaces deserves recognition and appreciation.

The parks and other cultural spaces are a new tourist sites to Ethiopia. They add value to the nation. We cannot always talk merely about the obelisks of Axum and rock-hewn churches of Lalibela. We are found in the ever changing world where international tourists need to see a new attraction sites. For this reason, it is not an option to invest on public and cultural spaces. Renovation of such cultural spaces and parks redefine our true identity. When we say Ethiopia is great, we should also reflect that greatness through visible means. The parks and the cultural spaces are good manifestations to this. There were times where the Palace was surrounded by shanty houses around it and unattractive views. However, within the last three years, due to administration’s commitment, once a totally shanty area has become now a center of beauty where peoples visit it eagerly with admiration. This is truly a reflection of the political structure and commitment of the then government and the new system. With the change of political structure, we have witnessed visible change.


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