NNPs should be well framed to promote unity, diversity

ADDIS ABEBA- Nation, Nationalities and Peoples (NNPs) day should be well marked in the way that symbolizes the sovereignty, diversity and unity of country, said Ethiopian Patriots Association. Last year the 12th Ethiopian nation Nationalities and people’s day celebrated in Afar, in this year will be celebrated for 13th times in Addis Abeba.

Ethiopian Patriots Association from History and documentation Lij Ermiyas Tesema this year’s Ethiopian Nation Nationality and People’s day have to celebrated without any difference. The celebration depicts beauty and harmony among different cultures not simply introducing ones nation. Before many years, Ethiopia patriots and warriors in unison fought against foreign aggression for the cause of Ethiopian sovereignty. So, we have to stand together now for our country and inculcate unity and its importance on the mindset of the new generation.

Temesgen Tefera is a resident of Nefaselk sub-city, Addis Ababa. He said NNPs day has not been well defined and it emphasizes difference than unity. In fact it should be marked as “Ethiopian peoples’ day”. Obviously we have more than 80 nation and nationalities and different culture but still we are united. hence, the day should be marked in the way that can further promote diversity not difference.

Achieving unity starts at grassroot levels , students should learn to know the mosaic cultures than of their owns only. A lectured at Addis Ababa University under a condition of anonymity told The Ethiopian Herald that the way the NNPs day being marked has been less important in cultivating unity. Achieving unity takes lots of continues and comprehensive works.

“Government stresses the importance of marking the day but we should work to bring mindset change on our the way we equality and unity,”.

Not only the government, but also the media ,schools and senior citizens need to play a great role in promoting unity and tolerance. We have to learn to share and promote the values of others than promoting our respective cultures and other values.

“Though the day has been marked for the last 12 years, I doubt if we have made progress in achieving unity and tolerance.” he argued .

The Ethiopian Herald, December 7/2018

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