UN Women calls for technology, innovative ways of women Empowerment

ADAMI TULLU – UN Women calls for technology and innovation at the center of women empowerment at a marking of March 8 held at Adumu Tulu district of east Shewa zone in Oromia state.

After paying a visit to a group of women engaged in cattle fattening cooperative supported by UN Women, UN women representative to UNECA, AUC and Ethiopia, Letty Chiwara stressed the need for scaling up innovative means of economic empowerment of rural women. Women care not only change their livelihood but also their entire community she said, noting UN is running rural women economic empowerment program which has been under implementation for four years.

 The program has come to fruition in improving the livelihood of rural community. “We need to come up with time and labor saving mechanisms and gender sensitive financial services.” The women in the district have been able to witness strides that now have saved six million Birr. This is what should be up scaled, the representative noted.

Indicating the government’ s all-round efforts to scale up the overall participation of women, state Minister of Women, Children and Youth Semegn Wube also underscored the role of cooperatives and self-help associations in mobilizing and reaching out low income rural community.

 She also added that women need to have access to finance and technology to better their livelihood which the ministry is trying to address. Certificates were handed over to partner women and others in recognition to their contribution.

The Ethiopian Herald, March 15/2019


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