France to repeat role played 60 years ago

Tilaye Gutema, a retired diving commando engaged in various missions, was among the founders and members of the Imperial Navy established in 1948. He was one of the few navy personnel trained in France.

Ethiopia is not foreign to a navy force. The Imperial navy force was established in 1948 by the order of Emperor Haileselassie I. Members of the navy force were well trained in countries like France, Britain and Norway, said Tilaye. Disbanded over two decades ago, Ethiopia has not had troops in the sea since.

And as Ethiopia aspires to reestablish a navy force, France wants to repeat its role it had some 60 years back. French revealed its plan through its President Emanuel Macron who was in two –day state visit to Addis Ababa. On Tuesday, where the two leaders held joint press briefing in Addis Ababa, Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed announced France’s interest to assist the Defense Forces by restoring the naval force and upgrading the air force.

Macron also mentioned that both countries share similar vision in countering terrorism and in collaborating to boost the latter’s defense forces capability. The assistances are said to include supply of equipment and trainings to the forces. “We value Ethiopia’s role in ensuring peace and security and combating terrorism in the East Africa.” He said France is keen on brining troops to Ethiopia legally to offer trainings.

 It also avails opportunities for training in France. The move to reorganize navy force is welcomed by many experts who cast their concern on increased militarization, pressing arms and human trafficking in the Horn “We had been tasked with halting illegal activities such as defending the coastal areas of the country that had been under Ethiopia’s rule. The force was also responsible in protecting the country from any aggression and threats.’’ Tilaye told The Ethiopian Herald.

It needs through study and assessments to determine the size and major task of the navy. The country may seek cooperation with other countries to materialize its objective. Realizing the navy is not easy, it takes lots of preparation and time ahead, according to Tilaye. As Ethiopia’s geographic location lies close to the red sea where there is growing piracy, terrorist presence, arms and human trafficking, it puts onus on the country to boost its military capability.

 “It is ironic that the country, with the largest economy in the East African region having over 100 million population and proximity to the Red Sea strategic location, has no military wing that can protect its national interest on the sea. Unless the coastal country where Ethiopia heavily uses to import and export its commodities are safe, its interests would be at risk.

“The well being of landlocked nations like Ethiopia mainly rests on coastal neighbors’ cross-border political relations, peace and stability,” Luelseged Girma, expert with Foreign Relations Strategic Studies Institute told The Ethiopian Herald. The coastal countries are mainly using their sea outlets for economic activities, many countries including super powers are developing their naval base in the area. This risks not only the countries’ interest but also Ethiopia’s one.

However, he Luelseged argued establishing a navy is hard. It may take upto 5-10 years. It requires working with other countries with the skill and technology in navy development. “Building a navy force strictly requires huge finance and expertise. while the country should be working with other countries to solicit finance and develop base.”

It would no longer be wise to seat back and see the militarization in the region with many countries establishing naval bases in the coast which is only 60 Km away from Ethiopia, Maj. Gen. Berhanu Jula told Ethiopian Press Agency in his previous comment. “We are near to Red sea and Indian Ocean. And if any conflict or war break out, we have no army to defend our interests,” he added.

The plan is to build modern navy and we are in talks with other countries for the its establishment. Establishing the navy is part of the country’s future plan to develop navy base , according to Berhanu. “We will certainly emulate local and foreign capacity in the process.”

The Ethiopian Herald, March 15/2019


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