Committee to oversee technology use in upcoming census

ADDIS ABABA – A National Technology Committee established to oversee the proper functioning of digital gadgets as well as electricity and internet services in the upcoming Forth Population and Housing Census, Central Statistical Agency announced.

Public Relations and Communication Director Safi Gemedi told The Ethiopian Herald that the Committee comprises members from Ethio Telecom, Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation, Information Network Security Agency (INSA), Ministry of Innovation and Technology, and Addis Ababa Science and Technology University.

Also, the Committee embraced volunteer citizens who have expertise in the areas, according to him. He also indicated that the Agency procured 126,000 power banks and 35,000 solar panels to get alternative energy sources.

Ethio telecom introduced new technology, Virtual Private Network (VPN), for the first time in Ethiopia, to protect the data from any cyberattack, he noted. The data sent through VPN enters to the main server without passing via internet line. So, the chance of hacking of information is very low or nearly zero, he added.

It as well has provided 37,000 cards intended for this purpose. The Fourth Ethiopian Population and Housing Census will run April 08- 28, 2019. The Agency bought 180,000 tablets – 37,000 tablets for supervisors and the rest will be used by data collectors, he added.

The Ethiopian Herald, March 15/2019


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