Humanity prevails

 Ethiopia is one of the oldest countries in the world that has its own impressive long histories, unique and unexplored cultural and traditional values that have crucial role in knitting the society together with threads of virtuous, and a sense of belongingness and fraternity.

The country is also a home for multi ethno-lingual groups and a hub for various religions as they serve humanity and the fundamental objective of every religion is virtuous action.

Unlike any other nation across the world, Ethiopians have adopted coexistence and harmonious way of life before the formulation of law and order pursuant to moral values emanated from humans inner being and the undiscovered metaphysics.

Sadly, since recent time, the virtuous threads that holds Ethiopians together for centuries is seen eroded due to circumstances waged by some anti-peace elements who aspire to weaken its development and dimmed its future.

It is known that the country is marching forward to realize its renaissance setting directives and mobilizing the public. However, some groups are attempting to disrupt its peace and security through creating deceitful distractive rhetoric and using the available means.

In fact, the country is not new to face such type of conspiracy as it had been done for ages taking ethnicity and religion diversity as an opportunity to incite hatred and triggering conflict. Fortunately, the naked truth is that Ethiopians though have traveled distances against all odds, they never tricked even for once and fallen apart by all those conspiracies.

Currently, its local archenemies joining hands with its historic enemies, are attempting to obstruct the country from its move through fabricating baseless rhetoric and taking religion and identity as their pretext. In some parts of the country they are running here and there to incite conflicts.

The attempt witnessed in Mota Town, in East Gojjam Zone of the Amhara State, is the best showcase in this regard.

Obviously, Mota is a Town where the two religions, (Islam and Christianity) practiced freely and equally and the devotees of the two religions have lived together with compassion and fraternity for ages. However, a year ago a conflict had occurred in the town between the faithful of the two.

Following this, last Wednesday and Thursday, a reconciliation program known as ‘Hiber and Fiker Besebatu Warka’, to mean ‘Harmony and love under the seven Warka” was held in the town in the presence of religious leaders of the two religions, high government officials, town’s administration and communities.

The event aimed at reconciling the two parties, restore peace and security in the town and sustain the longstanding culture of the people-living together in harmony and fraternity.

Approached by The Ethiopian Herald, Yeshiwas Andualem Mota Town’s Administrator said that Mota is one of the quarters of the country that embraces Muslims and Christians. In its history, it had never experienced religious conflict that went to such destruction of Mosques and properties.

According to him, the situation is a deliberately conspired plan aiming to disrupt the deep-rooted culture of the Muslims and Christians communities. It was an orchestrated drama plotted to instigate hatred and conflict between the devotees.

Eventually, fanatics groups and leaders with no public allegiance managed to create messes that create polarity between the two faithful, he added.

Nonetheless, with the concerned effort of religious leaders, administration of the federal, from the top to lower governance units, the plot aimed to create crisis, instigate conflicts, blemish the harmony between the two and escalate the case nationwide was aborted with no fatalities except the destruction of mosques and properties almost a year ago.

As to him, the conflict was believed to be brewed, sponsored and strategized by anti-peace elements who had been striving to divide the country by religious and ethnic ground, according to Yeshiwas.

At the light of the scenario, both the Muslims and Christians condemned the deed and rallied to restore the time of fraternity in practice. For instance, a Christian investor named Worku Aytenew donated about five million Birr for restoration of temples.

Undertaking various mobilizations, involving religious leaders, elders, women and various segments of the society, the administration has managed to rebuild destructed mosques. The federal government and local people, especially those who born in the area have contributed countless support for the restoration, he said.

A committee, drawn from Muslims, Christians and Gospel Churches, was formed. What is more, besides the indigenous conflict resolving mechanism the administration has envisaged law enforcement action. As a result offenders, leaders failing to discharge their responsibilities accordingly have been brought to court, it was stated.

Yeshiwas has also conveyed his message to the media houses to report balanced news and urged to refrain from reporting issues escalating conflict and eating away national existence.

Speaking on this especial occasion organized to sustain fraternity, unity, affection and love Muhaze Tibebat Deacon Daniel Kibret said that Mota is a Town where the two believers live in peace and compassion.

As the event shows the complication that had been happened a year before does not represent the believers and the town as well.

Indicating that the two religions are very essential for the country to continue as a strong state, Daniel further said that most of the churches are built with the contribution of Muslims as Mosques have also fingerprints of Christians.

Daniel finally recommended and called on the public with great emphasis to take care of conflict investors and strengthen the bond between the two as the one is part of existence of the other.


The Ethiopian Herald  29 May 2021 

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