Concerns hang over Boeing 737-MAX 8 as more countries suspend the model

ADDIS ABABA –Over 40 countries across the globe including all EU member states, China and India and other largest carriers have grounded the Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft while the plane maker itself followed suit after “after investigators uncovered new evidence at the scene of the fatal Ethiopian Airlines crash.”

The BBC wrote earlier yesterday that, “The Federal Aviation Administration said fresh evidence as well as newly refined satellite data prompted the decision to temporarily ban the jets.” The fact that more countries are joining Ethiopian Airlines in banning the aircraft with some other also suspending the model from flying in their airspace implicates concern on the model, said a Brigd. Gen. Mesfine Haile who also trained the deceased pilot of the doomed Et 302 Boeing 737-Max 8 aircraft.

Countries could not make the decision to ground the aircraft out of the blue. Not only governments’ but public trusts have already been eroded on the model and for countries to regain confidence, they must assess the safety of the model, he said. “It will take a while for the aircraft manufacturer to build up trust and restore aircraft carriers. And there must be consultations among the manufacturers, carriers and passengers.”

 “I hope an independent international investigation will uncover the cause of the crash. Airline Safety Boards involve credible experts from Ethiopian Aviation Authority and others and the result is most of the time considered to be factual.” Capt. Abera Lemi – Owner of National Airways for his part said countries are not only halting their Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft but banning it from their airspace, this points the concern that hangs over the model, though it is impossible to tell what caused Sunday’s crash.

The pilots were said to report some technical problem brining uncertainty in major carriers worldwide. It was reported that the Black box which contains flight data recorder and cockpit voice Recorder has been uncovered and many experts from different nations are cooperating in the investigation into one of the deadliest airplane accident.

 Ethiopian Airlines is leading airliner in the continent having latest and youngest fleet with good safety record.

The Ethiopian Herald, March 15/2019


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