Selflessness the other face of Ethiopianism

Helping others does not require money as the financial part is always secondary. The first and the most important thing to help others is kindheartedness and compassion. Whenever one puts his/her feet in the shoes of others, it is possible to him/her to know the pain of the others.

No one is born with a silver spoon; but we born into this beautiful world naked; and we leave it in the same way- empty handed. However, life changes the destiny of individuals. Some people who spent their childhood lavishly will end up in begging of others. On the contrary, even if it is not always true, others who grew up suffering will ended up with a happy life.

Needless to say, People of Dire Dawa are well known for their love, intimacy and compassion. They are well known for their kindheartedness, integrity and generosity. Whoever spends a day with people of Dire, would understand what the true meaning of generosity means and the true nature of sharing.

This kind and generous people are not sharing with others because they have everything. They do it only because sharing is their life principle. However, as life would not be as same as it were at younger age, there are times when they need help from others. This is especially true for those elderly people who are helpless without others.

As other parts of the country, there are several elderly needy people in Dire who are forced to live under the burden of poverty. Some of them are living on the streets while others are confining themselves in their house.

Some of this elderly people are helpless because there is no one to assist them. Seeing this challenge, there are individuals who try to help them.

Dawit Bekele, is among those kindhearted individuals who is supporting the elders with all available means. Dawit is providing support to those elderly needy people with all the available resource he has got. Using his local NGO he has established, Dawit is stretching his hands for them.

‘Dawit Elders Charity Center was founded by the young Dawit some sixteen years ago. When the idea of supporting elders came into his mind, the only resource he has got was passion and compassion. For that reason, he had exerted his energy helping those needy elders. As the saying goes “Necessity is the mother of innovation” Dawit has now expanded his project and providing shelter and food those needy people.

Dawit was born and grew in Dire Dawa. His strong attachment with his compassionate mother and his model brother have influence him very much and led him to his current achievement. For Dawit, supporting people only needs compassion. That is why he and his Sunday school friends have been supporting elders starting from their childhood.

In those days, Dawit and his friends had no sufficient money to help those vulnerable people. However, they had a big heart that care about others. They have all the passion to help their neighbors with all available means. For that reason, they used to collect money and other items from families and neighbors to help the elders.

Dawit`s compassion to help these unfortunates got another level when he visited elderly individuals receiving support from Mother Theresa’s Center. While he was visiting elders, Dawit once met a lady who had lost all of her seven children. When he approached and talked to her, he realized it was not food she was looking for. She and other individuals in the shelter were looking for love from visitors. They were looking for people to talk with. Using this as an opportunity, Dawit did not waste single time in collecting some money along with his friends and went to visit other elders in the shelter.

While things continued going in this way for some years, some of the youth have started to retreat for several reasons. This left Dawit alone. For this reason, he was not in a position to help those needy individuals by alone. It was difficult for that young man to support the needy elders with the small financial muscle he got in his hands. This forced him to knock doors and he finally met other compassionate men who were happy to support and stand by his side.

Dawit`s effort was challenged several times and there were times when life turned its back. However, he has never lost hope and given up. He was persistent. Knowing he is born to help the needy. That is why he has finally founded a charity organization that helps needy elders.

While Dawit working earnestly to help the needy, including the City Administration, there were some individuals who stood by his side and assist him to realize his dream.

Seeing his courageous move, Dire Dawa City Administration has provided him a land. Other charity organizations operating in Dire Dawa and compassionate individuals have also support his efforts by providing the necessary materials and financial support.

Dawit strongly believes that whenever there is a will there is always a way. “We Ethiopians have a generous heart. What we lack is to know the way to share that love. If we combined our hands for common goals, we do not need others` help.”

This is what happened to Dawit`s Charity Organization. Despite all the challenges in his way, he was able to organize different people in Dire Dawa City and have laid a strong foundation to help thousands of needy elder people at the organization.

His will to help the unfortunate ones has shown him the way. The vision and compassion of Dawit was contagious that he was able to attract several individuals into his circle of influence. What is more, his motive has encouraged some of the elders he is helping to save some money and started their own mini business.

Dawit`s effort has attracted the attention of several individuals and the city Administration as well. For that reason, he has become a shelter for homeless; bread for starved ones. Due to his courage, thousands of elderly people who are abandoned on the street have got shelter. This is the true nature of Ethiopians. This is what we know from our forefathers. Selflessness is the other face of Ethiopianism. Our parents did not teach us to eat alone closing our doors. No matter what their economic background is, sharing is the core philosophy of Ethiopians.



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