‘Ethiopian Week’: A platform that shows Ethiopia’s beauty, tourism potential

Needless to say that Ethiopia is a multiethnic country comprises more than 80 ethnic groups; who have their own unique traditional and cultural values, own languages, norms and costumes, fascinating ceremonial occasions and way of life.

Presenting these unique and captivating cultural and traditional values in a single place going beyond from promoting cultural and historical traditions of the communities, and contributing to the protection of local heritage, it has significant values in promoting nation’s tangible and intangible tourism potentials and advance its tourist destinations being an important growth driver for the country with it tremendous economic values.

With these same notions last week, a week long exhibition was organized by three ministries and officially launched by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed at Sheger Park, Friendship Square in Addis Ababa.

The exhibition dubbed as ‘Ethiopian Week’ was initiated by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and organized by Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Ministry of Urban and Construction, and Minister of Women, Youth and Children, with a view to promoting the tourism and investment potentials of the country by showcasing tourism and investment potentials of the country.

On the one week long exhibition; all states and city administrations have exhibited their cultural and traditional values, their respective tourism and investment potentials at the Park.

As Prime Minister Abiy twitted, ‘Ethiopian Week’ is a showcase of cultural diversity, history and national assets.

While briefing journalists earlier before the opening of the exhibition, Culture and Tourism Minister Hirut Kassaw (Ph.D) said that the unique festival and exhibition is the first of its kind. Ethiopia had shown its tourism destinations and potentials in exhibitions organized abroad in small plots land less than 50 square meters, but at present it is in a position to prepare tourism festivals itself permanently at home, she added.

Women, Children and Youth Minister Filsan Abdullahi on her part added that the aim of the festival and exhibition is to attract local and international investors and promote the untapped Ethiopian tourism sector, and it is annually organized at Friendship Park, Addis Ababa with a view to exhibiting great Ethiopia using small plots of lands.

Construction and Urban Development Minster Eng. Aisha Mohammed also said that the festival and exhibition adhere Ethiopian unison, strength, unity, and promote both local and foreign tourists inflow.

Embet Tsegaye, engaged in marketing woven traditional attires and unique hand-made well-designed and embroidered Ethiopian Kabas (mainly used for weddings and other ceremonials events), cultural and traditional values are one of the most important elements in the tourism sector. And promoting these potential apart from depicting the culture, history, natural resources and other unique features of the communities, they have crucial role in generating far-reaching economic benefits.

As to her, nowadays the need for Ethiopia’s cultural attires and handiworks that reflect local culture among local and foreign tourists is growing remarkably over the past few decades. Such platforms are helpful in promoting the untapped cultural and traditional heritages of Ethiopians and attracting more visitors.

Embet has got the chance to visit the exhibition. And she said: “Seeing Ethiopia’s nations, nationalities staging their historic, traditional and cultural values as well as their tourism potential in one place has its own message for visitors. Because exhibition’s communication is many-sided, it should be organized regularly not only in the capital but also in states too,” she opined.

The income that will be generated from exhibition’s visitors will be used to rehabilitate displaced people, it was learnt


The Ethiopian Herald May 25/2021

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