Capitalizing on cultural values for social cohesion, nation building

Peace, as it is always said, is in the hands of people. People can maintain their own peace or can create hostilities and disrupt their own security and safety.

As history teaches us and even the experience of the past political history of the country show, disparaging and accusation are counterproductive for peace and do no good except fuelling hatred and conflicts.

It goes without saying that Ethiopians have indigenous cultural and traditional assets that have been used for long to strengthen solidarity, unity, peace and a sense of family among each other.

However, these days, the assets seem to be less valued and eroded due to various reasons. Even, in some cases, some anti-peace elements are attempting to undermine these deep seated values and broadcasting discordancy and hatred.

At a three day consultative forum commenced last Wednesday with a view to promote a culture of peace and reconciliation as well as building civic political culture, Peace Minister Muferihat Kamil called on Ethiopian elites to capitalize on the values that unite the people instead of amplifying discordant rhetorics that fueled hatred and impede national consensus.

Speaking in the forum in which members of competing parties, experts, civil society organizations, and representatives of the society are taking part, the Minister said that this is the right time for building a harmonious society by capitalizing on the common values of the Ethiopian people.

“Though peace is a multifaceted issue, we can build tranquility and a healthy society. And at the end of the day, the harmonious society can be a competitive force for the country.”

Mentioning government’s political willingness and commitment to bring together the country’s elites and other concerned bodies in the effort to hold a national dialogue, the Minister said that the issue of peace and security has to be a common agenda for all.

Ambaye Ugato (Ph.D) Senior Peace Advisor at Justice for All, nongovernmental organization on his part said that the stride Ethiopia has been stepping to hold a national dialogue will bear fruit because of the existing of social and political will witnessed in the nation.

He underscored that as inclusive national consensus will help to bring lasting peace, develop a culture of tolerance, and accelerate development efforts, there are a lot of enabling conditions in the county to hold a successful dialogue which helps the country to hit the target in ensuring democracy.

As to him, more than anything else, the existing political platform will would play a great role in putting the dialogue into practice stating that currently the government has created a lot of conducive environments for the successful accomplishment of the subject under discussion.

Strong religious ethos, the will of young population for taking part in the dialogue, the prevalence of traditional institutions like Geda System, Halaba Sera and others are opportunities that will enable the nation to achieve successful dialogue.

Nigussu Aklilu, Coordinator in Destiny Ethiopia, on his part said that his organization has gathered information from different social classes to know the spirit of citizens on what to do to help the country successfully transit to democratization.

He underscored that his organization identified the youth, contending political parties, civic organizations and representatives of the government who have shown interest to participate in the dialogue which is strongly believed to bring about national consensus.

Currently, he stated, there is also enabling legal framework that helps the nation achieve successful dialogues exemplifying the current proclamation of civic organizations that boosts the participation of civic organization in multilateral spheres.


The Ethiopian Herald May 21/2021

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