The unreserved assistance

The coronavirus pandemic has continued putting the global communities in times of uncertainty posing new threats and imperiling the lives of many more people at risk.

Particularly, the unavailability of drug, that is invented to fight the virus successfully and cure the pandemic, is making the disease more terrorizing and intimidating.

Indeed, much more energies have continued exerting at national and global levels to battle the pandemic, and in turn, some ray of hope has come on the horizon. The invention of vaccines even if they are not flawless to cure COVID-19 was the greatest move in the efforts.

In the midst of this advancement, however, getting COVID-19 vaccines for developing countries is becoming unreachable owing to limitations in ensuring safe and effective distribution of vaccines (fair and equitable distribution) to those countries, mainly low- and middle-income countries.

In the face of this crisis, collaborative efforts and multilateral response were well established to expanding access to vaccines for developing countries to enable them contain the pandemic. The COVAX initiative, (the global initiative to ensure rapid and equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines for all countries, regardless of income level) is the best showcase.

In fact the Government of China has been by the sides of Ethiopia in many hard times and at a critical moment with its unreserved supports. Whenever Ethiopia needs assistance in various areas, the Chinese Government is there to help the nation in all possible ways. Even in this critical moment, Chinese Government has been showing its commonality not only for Ethiopia; but also for other African countries

Among others, the support of the Chinese Government in accessing the vaccines to African countries is the other instance that shows Chinese Government solidarity and strong cooperation with African peoples.

Last week, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China has donated COVID-19 vaccines to the Ethiopian National Defense Force as part of solidification strong cooperation between the two sides.

Speaking on the occasion, Ethiopian Defense Force Minister Kenea Yadeta, (Ph.D) said that the Chinese Government has been working in cooperation with the ENDF in various fields for long time.

The diplomatic relations between Ethiopia and china is getting stronger from time to time in various areas including in the health and economic sectors. China has offered Ethiopians education opportunities in various expertise including military. What is more, it has brought economic development and able to build strong economy. Ethiopia is also trying to work on developing its economy. The experience of china, unquestionably, helps Ethiopia to bring about change in all aspects as Ethiopia is currently developing home grown economic policy.

Appreciating Chinese Government for its inimitable supports in all aspects, the Minister said: “We will work in developing military-to-military relationship.”

Handing over the inoculations, Chinese Ambassador to Ethiopia Zhao Zhiyuan on his part said that the Chinese military’s support to Ethiopia is a good indication of the long-standing friendship between the two sisterly countries and the close cooperation of the militaries.

China-Ethiopia military relations will be further strengthened in various fields, which is part of the strategic relationship signed between the two countries’ leaders, the Ambassador remarked.

The Ambassador also said that since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the People’s Liberation Amy of China has overcome the severe challenges of domestic COVID-19 prevention, supplied anti-virus materials to Ethiopian Defense Forces, and is pushing forward the construction and operation of High-tech Hospitals together with Ethiopian counterpart.

The vaccines donation by PLA will surely help Ethiopia to protect the life and health of many Ethiopian Defense officers and soldiers from the ravages of the pandemic, he added.

As to him, since the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, the PLA has overcome the severe challenges of domestic COVID-19 prevention and supplied anti-virus materials to the Ethiopian Defense Forces, Ambassador Zhiyuan elaborated.

At the same time, Ethiopian and Chinese militaries are working closely in many other cooperation areas. As a close friend, reliable partner, and good brother of Ethiopia, Chinese PLA will stand firmly with Ethiopian Defense Forces in the fight against the pandemic and also in difficult times.

“As the China- Ethiopia military cooperation enjoys broad prospects, the two sides will continue to put in place the major consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, promote the bilateral military relations, and enlarge the contents of the China-Ethiopia Comprehensive Strategic Cooperative Partnership in the new era.”


The Ethiopian Herald May 20/2021

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