PM Abiy’s visit to North Shewa: Allegiance to farmers

Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed’s visit to the agrarian community of North Shewa in the Amhara Regional State is said an instance of public allegiance. In his visit that took place during the weekend, the Premier was also accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister, Demeke Mekonen, Oromia Regional State President Lema Megersa and other federal and state governments’ senior officials.

The team of top leadership made a visit to a cluster farm of wheat crop in Moret and Juru Weredas/districts. Abiy also held discussions with local residents and promised to respond to their development and good governance concerns. The public particularly raised questions regarding the poor status of roads, maternal health institutions and clean water supply in the areas.

Tefera Wendemagegnhu, North Shewa Zonal Administration Chief said the top leadership’s unique visit to the rural area, which is the backbone of the country’s economy brought hope for the youth, the peasantry, local leaders and the whole segment of the society.

The Premier began his trip by visiting a cluster farm, which would play a key role for boosting production and efficient utilization of technology. Tefera also told The Ethiopian Herald that the Zone’s location, which is 65 kilometers from the capital, agriculture and mineral potential, relative stability and provision of rapid and standardized services for investors make the Zone a preferred investment destination.

As to him, with in the past three months alone, some 1763 investors, with a capital of more than 60 billion Birr have started their investment operation in the state. When these projects go fully operational, they are expected to create more than 320,000 job opportunities. As to him, the federal government has to strive to expand road networks in the Zone to tap its rich mineral potentials such as limestone and opal.

Since the area is also conducive for wheat production and livestock, he invited investors to engage in agro-processing in the area. The success registered in the cluster farm in the Zone is one of the best practices that have to be scaled up nationwide. However, if there is a failure to build the appropriate infrastructure facility and thereby create market linkage, the effort of such model farmers will remain in vain.

The Ethiopian Herald, December 6/2018

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