‘Media Council’ on spotlight at Dialogue on Ethiopia

ADDIS ABABA – As two major events are awaiting Ethiopia, Population and Housing Census and General Elections, conference stressed the need for establishing Media Council to enhance media selfregulation. A conference that brought media owners and professionals, political parties as well as other key stakeholders held on Sunday at UNECA conference center.

Presenting his paper entitled ‘Media in Transition’; Jawar Mohammed mentioned that the media sector has swiftly tapped opportunities created as a result of the national reform more than CSOs and political parties made. To him, a Media Council ought to come to realization to ensure self-regulation and professional journalism sooner than later.

 He also comments that ratifying the media law [which is at draft stage] is one important mechanism to make certain that the media play its due roles in the society. Despite the opportunities, vacuum created as a result of the destruction of previous repressive laws and the delay in providing new laws that better regulate the sector, a challenge facing the media landscape, as he stated. Also, Sisay Agena who discussed the role of ‘Media in State Building’ said the would-be Media Council is a separate entity with representation from various sectors including journalists’ association.

 “The media landscape has been freed and as we have learnt, getting media licenses has also become easier.” Head of PMO Press Secretary Nigussu Tilahun, also presented paper on Current Media Function and the Way forward in which he toughed up on wide-array of issues including limitation on the government side in accessing information.

 The effort to establish Media Council did not come to fruition as the previous CSO law 621/2001 banned entities that have legal personalities from establishing association, it was learnt. Participants also raised concerns on issues relating to the mainstream and social media’s role on peace building and democratization.

Herald March 12/2019


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