Ethiopia shall never disintegrate into banana republics

The western powers and all those who are watching Ethiopia with red eyes from near and afar are currently speculating on a civil war that will culminate into the disintegration of Ethiopia into local principalities reminiscent to the Zemene Mesafint or the era of princes in Ethiopia’s history.

Those who misinterpret the concept of self-determination of nations and nationalities and peoples in Ethiopia are bogged down in endless polemics on self-determination as the right to form village republics ruled by ethic vassals and war lords. The nostalgia of old glories and histories of various peoples in this country and age old repression, suppression and oppression is being reflected on the current generation which lives in the past forgetting the current situation of the country and with no idea about the future.

The current internal situation has created a very favorable situation for official and clandestine political organizations who are waiting in the Trojan Horse to support an orchestra of international conspiracy to trigger fratricide and weaken the government of Ethiopia to replace it it with a puppet régime that would accept orders from those who wish to destroy the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. That is why global organizations like EU have resolved not to observe the upcoming national election in Ethiopia. They have done so simply because the rules of observers issued by NEBE as they think was not in favor of their own desire to wage propaganda war on this country.

The western powers clearly understand that Ethiopians have always repulsed aggression from foreign invaders and have now chosen to exploit the internal crisis in the country to sow discord and civil strife so that the upcoming election will be sabotaged. Some Ethiopians are already doing their best to burn their own huts to lighten the houses of the adversaries. Mercenary mentality and ethnocentric chauvinism and exclusive narrow village ethnocentrism are competing to dismantle the glorious history and cultural assets that have come down to the current generation from the makers of this country.

While Ethiopians are squabbling against each other, foreign powers are eagerly waiting for the doom and gloom of this country with minimum attempts and with no costs as Ethiopians are giving way for disunity that would threaten their survival and sovereignty of this country. If Ethiopians are not united by toning down their local differences their own survival would be at stake.

Yes, the Ethiopian armed forces have their own constitutionally provided duties and obligations to defend the country against local sabotage and external encroachments. It is also sad to learn that a substantial number of Ethiopians are joining the propaganda war against their own country by discrediting the own going development programs in the country including infrastructure projects and national beautification of the country through eco-tourism projects.

A considerable number of Ethiopians are busy on a defamation campaign on the Prime Minister and the leaders of the defense forces of the country on social media who are daily risking and sacrificing their lives for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ethiopia. Everyone wants peace but it seems that the public has totally forgotten their decisive role in ascertaining peace at all corners of the country. Unity of purpose is the major precondition for ascertaining peace in this country and every sector of the society are duty bound to discharge their responsibilities instead of waiting for peace to be dished out to them.

Here, I would like to raise a question on the role of all political parties and particularly those who are competing to win seats the upcoming election. What practical role are they playing when the country is gradually approaching a stage of political siege? These parties operating at federal and regional level are waiting only upon the government to give them peace at their doorsteps with no contribution on their own parts. I fact they are busy fanning blame shifting propaganda and playing blame games from their offices while the country eagerly waits for their support.

The current government of Ethiopia did not descend from heaven with almighty power nor is it a perfect entity and all-knowing government. It is composed of human beings who can make mistakes that could be ratified. At this point in time, there is no benefit in insulting the leaders of this country by using rude and derogatory words

 that would eat up into the living cells of every person busy with rude and mad mannered language uncommon is Ethiopia’s respectful culture. So far I have tried to dwell upon some salient features of the political dichotomy in this country but what solutions can we think of? I have several suggestions.

In the first place the peoples of Ethiopia should distinguish between three important concepts critical in the short run and long and sustainable perspective. The concepts of citizenship, country and government should be perceived in a proper context. There are citizens who are legally Ethiopians but politically deny it identifying themselves with a specific ethic group only.

This is not only dangerous helps to be bait into the trap of all anti-Ethiopian entities. A country should not be perceived only from the perspective of a geographical and territorial demarcations. Multi-ethic people comprise a country even when they are on a refugee status. If they wish to stand for their ethnic identity, Ethiopians need to protect and defend their country if they really believe in their identity as a member of a specific ethic group.

Politics on the hand is a question of political power which is a super structural issue that need to be buttressed on firm economic basis. Therefore, Ethiopians worthy of the name need to work, develop and benefit from the economic resources of this country with no ethic or gender discrimination. This is very important for peace and security of the country because poverty is always a threat to internal peace and security. I also think that the education system in this country should be a tool for peace and national security and stability. In so many ways, Ethiopians are no different from the rest of global population and should learn to rid themselves from unrealistic political phantasy, claims and counter claims that do not hold water.

Extremism with all its forms can destroy the main social fabric on which the foundation of this country is formed. Religious and political fundamentalism and extremism could always spark the explosion of nationwide crisis threatening the entire Ethiopia and of course the Horn of Africa. I also think that Ethiopia holds a huge responsibility in Africa and at the global level and Ethiopians from whatever ethic group they come need to realize this and help the government in discharging its regional and global responsibilities.

Ethiopian youth do not have a good memory of the national military service but this cannot rule out the importance of forming a national reserve army that could be called on mitigating national manmade and natural disasters that could occur in any part of the country. The upcoming government can consider this as an option for ascertaining internal security and unity of the country. Whatever the case is Ethiopia shall never be Balkanized and the wishes of its adversaries will be foiled at all times.


The Ethiopian Herald May 7/2021

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